How to lose weight by 20 kg?

It does not matter why the excess weight was 20 kg, it's important to understand how to reset them. If you take into account that the extra centimeters "did not stick" to the body overnight, you will have to tune in for a long struggle and not expect a quick result. On how to lose weight by 20 kg, will be set out in this article.

How to actually lose weight by 20 kg?

It seems to be said about this already a lot and it is clear that you need to review your diet and increase the motor activity, but what specifically to take, clearly not everyone. First of all, lower the calorie content of your diet. If you take into account that men need 3000-4000 Kcal for normal life, and 2500-3000 Kcal for women, then reducing this figure by only 500 Kcal and increasing the energy loss, you can start the process of losing weight. You can even not go into deep mathematical calculations and just remove from the diet or limit those products that are not good for losing weight - fatty and high-carbohydrate.

This means that you will have to give up baking, baking, sweets, fatty meat, fat, half-finished products, fast food and other products in vacuum packing with the chemical additives present. Salty and sharp on the table is also not the place. However, the proportion of protein in the diet should be increased. Every day, one or two meals should consist of meat or fish cooked steamed, boiled or baked. In addition, it is necessary to include in the diet sour-milk and dairy products, as well as cereals, rich in complex carbohydrates.

In this case, carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day, and it is even better to start with them a day, for example, to cook for breakfast porridge. Among the real tips on how to lose weight by 20 kg, you can choose this - enriching the menu with foods rich in fiber. These are fruits and vegetables that will purify the intestines and prevent the development of constipation. It's them that should be used as snacks instead of buns and sandwiches. Vegetables can be combined with meat, and fruits are both in pure form, and cook them from jelly, and they are useful for baking, especially apples and pumpkin. You should not drink water when you are thirsty, but constantly. To put in the morning on a table 2-3 liter capacity and within a day to drink from it, trying to completely empty in the evening.

Diet, which makes it possible to lose weight by 20 kg

I must say right away that it's not about a specific diet. You can eat everything, but at the same time think, it will go for the benefit of the body, or not. To starve in any case it is impossible, but also to overeat too, therefore for a table it is necessary to sit down 6-7 times a day and to use food in small portions. Yes, it will not be easy, besides a full-fledged disposal of excess weight will begin only after 21 days. This will be the answer to the question for those who ask how you can quickly lose weight by 20 kg. Of course, eating one cabbage leaf can lose weight faster, but here it is talked about how to achieve this without harm to health and to consolidate the result.

It is after 21 days from the beginning of the drying process that the organism will be completely reconstructed and will begin to consume as energy fats, eaten for more than one year. You can help him in this if you provide regular cardio-load. The best in this respect is running, but also training on a stationary bicycle, a bicycle, an ellipsoid or a treadmill will also give a positive result. You can lose weight by 20 kg at home if you set a goal and go to it. Fail, return to proper nutrition and then break again - this is not the way. It is necessary to understand that now it will always be so and nutrition is not for a month or two, but for life. Training should also be regular. The stronger the person will be drawn into a new way of life, the more likely that he will stick to these postulates all the time.