Phyto-tea for weight loss

Fighting with extra pounds, we sometimes go to different kinds of victims, and the process of losing weight is often difficult for us both physically and psychologically. Even harder, becoming on the scales, see on his scoreboard is only a slight decrease in performance.

Fighting excess weight is necessary with the help of physical exercises, diets and the right way of life. To keep the weight in the norm, it is worth to give up sweets, do not eat three hours before bedtime and several times a day to drink phyto-tea to cleanse the body.

Phytotea for weight loss and its properties

If you decide to drink cleansing tea, do not harbor the hope that the fats will go away on their own. Not at all. Each type of phyto tea is diuretic, it is only able to remove excess water and release the body from toxins and toxins. By and large, this "disperses" the metabolism, but the final touch is still your food.

The use of phyto-tea

The best choice for your health is the right tea. For example, if you have vascular dystonia, then you can pay attention to tea on the basis of a birch leaf. It has both a vasodilating property and an antispasmodic effect. You can also pick up phyto-tea for the stomach. Mint tea, for example, protects the stomach, nettle - cleans, chamomile affects well the walls of the stomach, as an analgesic. Ginger phytotea is able to restore and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

Herbal tea for the liver

To improve liver function, relieve inflammation or prevent hepatic colic, a special herbal composition is needed. The recipe for this herbal tea consists of a leaf of birch, a herb of wormwood, hips, mint, thyme, celandine, plantain. This herbal diet is consumed three times a day for 60 days in two stages. The interval between the stages should be no more than 14 days.

It is also very useful for cleaning the liver of phytotea based on artichoke. Such tea should be drunk once or twice a day for 20 days. Artichoke is good at various poisonings, restores, supports and improves the work of the digestive tract when digesting "heavy" food.

Phyto-tea for the intestine

If the pain in the intestines brings discomfort, you can try a collection of chamomile and immortelle. These herbs boil, and then insist for three days. Drink the broth in the morning about a month. After a few months, the course can be repeated. This cleansing phytotea not only takes care of your intestines, it also soothes the nervous system and lowers blood pressure.

Phytotea in Pregnancy

The question of what to drink during pregnancy is quite relevant. Simple purified water - yes, but during the day we are also accustomed to drinking green or black tea, cocoa or coffee. From coffee, of course, have to give up. Green and black tea also contains caffeine, and hard-boiled tea will not yield to its coffee content.

Many future mothers hesitate before taking a phyto-tea from the supermarket shelf. And it is true, today you can read a lot about the benefits and harm of herbal tea. In fact, phyto-tea is harmless in itself, but not all are permissible when wearing a baby. Doctors strictly forbid drinking tea from chamomile, ginseng, sage, fennel, hops, marsh, wormwood and a number of other medicinal herbs that contribute to the tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

There are conversely enough useful teas during these nine months. So, ginger tea with honey or lemon juice will help fight against toxicosis. But, it's best not to risk the health of your future child, but to consult your doctor, who can recommend what herbs will be useful for you, and which ones should be abandoned.