Exercises for triceps

Exercises for triceps hands for women are useful in case you want to remove fat deposits and give relief. To achieve a good result, it is recommended to include in the complex exercises for both the triceps and the biceps. You can just include several exercises in the main workout. You can practice in the hall, but since not everyone has the opportunity to attend such trainings, we will consider exercises suitable for domestic execution.

Complex of triceps exercises

To gain muscle, you need to use extra weight. For this purpose, perfect dumbbells, in the absence of which you can use ordinary bottles filled with sand or water. Still it is necessary to tell about some features of training. First, it is necessary to engage in regular activities, otherwise it is not worth to expect the desired effect. Secondly, it is recommended to perform the exercise in several approaches, so that the muscles get a good load. Thirdly, great importance has the right technique, so consider all the nuances.

Triceps training may include such exercises:

  1. Stand up straight and lift a dumbbell above your head, which you need to take with both hands. Holding the forearms perpendicular to the floor and fixing the position of the elbows, lower the dumbbell by the head, performing flexion / extension. To exhale it is necessary during the movement downwards, and inhale on the ascent. Another important point - keep your elbows very close to your head. This exercise can be done while lying down, while the head should be on the edge of the bench.
  2. This is a very effective exercise on the triceps, for which it is necessary to stand with your back to the chair. Sit on the edge and grip the edge. Legs extend forward and bend them at the knees. Task - go down from the chair and keep the buttocks on the weight. Slowly move down, bending your arms at the elbows. It is important to keep the elbows close to the body and not to plant them in the sides. To lift a body it is necessary only at the expense of hands without participation of legs.
  3. To perform the next exercise for the triceps, it is necessary to stand straight and bend forward so that the body is in a plane parallel to the floor. Look must be directed to the floor. In the hands take the prepared load and pull it to the chest. The task - perform the extension of the arms, leaving the forearm in a stationary state. It is recommended to make the fixation of the position when expanding, in order to feel the load. Keep your elbows pressed against the body. It is important to keep the back in the flat position during the exercise. This exercise can be carried out with one hand, putting one leg, bent at the knee on the bench and making an emphasis with it hand.
  4. Another effective exercise for the triceps for girls, for the performance of which it is necessary to lie to one side. The body should form one line, so tighten your stomach and open your shoulders. The hand that is located on top, rest on the floor with a palm and lift the body up. It is important that the load was on hand, so exclude the work of the body. The hand that is below, hug your waist. The task is to perform lifting of the body on exhalation, completely unbending the arm at the elbow joint, and lowering on the inspiration.
  5. The last of the presented exercises is called "Boxer". Stand up straight, bending your legs slightly in your lap, and lean forward, keeping your back in a level position. Take the dumbbells in your hands and pull one forward, and the other - take it back. After fixing the stand, change the position of the hands.

Finally I would like to give another advice - combine sports and proper nutrition, and then the result will be achieved.