Drowsiness in early pregnancy

Increased drowsiness in the early stages of a newly developed pregnancy is a common physiological phenomenon. In this case, first of all, sleep can be considered as a kind of protective reaction of the organism, i.e. the body as it protects the nervous system of a woman from excessive stimuli and excessive loads.

Drowsiness - the first sign of the beginning of pregnancy

Weakness and drowsiness in pregnancy, especially in its first trimester, is observed in 80-90% of expectant mothers. However, few women know why during pregnancy they very often want to sleep?

If drowsiness is a kind of protective reaction of the body, then weakness appears as a result of a rise in the woman's blood of the hormone progesterone. It is he who is called upon to preserve the pregnancy that has begun. Therefore, women who already have children, in most cases, regard often emerging drowsiness as the first sign of pregnancy, although it is not.

How to fight?

With each subsequent day, the signs of the pregnancy become more pronounced, and with them fatigue and drowsiness intensify. To carry them to pregnant women is especially difficult, because future mothers continue to go to work, as before. In such cases, gynecologists recommend taking frequent breaks in work and constantly ventilating the room. Constant movement, small gymnastic exercises, breathing exercises are excellent methods of fighting daytime drowsiness.

Pathological drowsiness

Pregnant women are looking forward to when drowsiness will pass. Usually by the middle of the second month it disappears. The presence of excessive drowsiness in the 2nd trimester may be a sign of the presence of pathology, for example, anemia in a future mother . It was at this time that its first manifestations were observed.

In the case when drowsiness is combined with such symptoms as vomiting, nausea, intermittent headache, visual impairment, it is necessary to suspect the development of gestosis. Therefore at their occurrence it is necessary to address without delay to the doctor.

Often, sleep disturbances are also observed in the last stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a woman can not accept a comfortable sleeping position. In addition, all this is accompanied by pain in the back and high activity of the fetus.

Thus, drowsiness in early pregnancy is not a pathological condition requiring any therapy.