Red cabbage is a good

Head of red cabbage differs from white relatively small weight and high density of leaves. The red cabbage ripens later than the white cabbage and loves the coolness. After harvesting, the head of red cabbage keeps its density for a long time.

Composition and benefits of red cabbage

Caloric content of red cabbage is very low and equal to only 26 kcal in 100 grams. This product is enriched with minerals and vitamins. Contains carbohydrates , dietary fiber, organic acids, an impressive amount of protein, and a small amount of fat. What is useful red cabbage for the human body? First of all, it is worth noting that the content of beta-carotene in it is four times more than in white cabbage. It is also rich in vitamins PP, A, E, H, C, B. In a large number of this cabbage contains minerals such as calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and iron.

The benefits and harm of red cabbage directly depend on its composition. The characteristic color is given to it by the substance of anthocyanins, which has an antioxidant property. Anthocyanins not only strengthen capillaries, but also give them elasticity. Therefore, red cabbage is useful in cardiovascular diseases. Also anthocyanins stabilize the condition of skin tissue and collagen. So, this cabbage can be considered one of the sources of youth. Anthocyanins treat certain eye diseases, prevent the development of leukemia and block the effect of radiation.

But this is not all the useful properties of red cabbage. Its phytoncides restrain the activity of tuberculosis, and its juice is treated by many diseases of the respiratory system. Regular use of this cabbage noticeably improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys. This is due to the high level of content in it vegetable protein, in number even more than in carrots and beets. Vitamins in red cabbage are preserved better than in any other.

The high content of selenium has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Also, this mineral helps to saturate cells with oxygen, removes heavy metals and toxins, supports immunity and participates in metabolism. The presence of zinc ensures the maintenance of the brain. Improves the intestinal microflora cellulose and lactic acid, with which this cabbage is also rich. They remove excess cholesterol, which is important for people who want to lose weight.