Recipe for mead without yeast

Since the mead itself is not a strong drink, it is often fermented with the addition of yeast to give it an extra strength. Those who, for some reason, are skeptical of yeast, can make a strong drink without using them. Usually, a mead without yeast is prepared with the addition of vodka, cognac or pure alcohol. We will consider several ways.

Mead without yeast and boiling

If synthetic yeast cultures from the package you do not accept, then use yeast natural, which is abundantly contained on the surface of the raisins.



The process of preparation is elementary simple. We make honey in pure water and add a good handful of raisins . Note that before making mead without yeast, raisins should not be washed in any case and, moreover, scalded - all the microflora we need will die. The resulting beverage is not sealed, for example, with a gauze lid, and then put in a warm place for 48 hours. Fermented mead is passed through a cotton-gauze filter and poured into a bottle. We leave the mead in a cool place for 2-3 months. Willingness can be checked for taste - if the mead without yeast came out fragrant, sweet and sour, barely sparkling, reminiscent of a young wine - the drink is ready.

How is a mead made without yeast and raisins?

If raisins are not at hand, and in the summer, and you have a supply of fresh berries - use them. For the recipe, which we'll talk about further, we need a fair amount of honey and cherry berries.



We remove the unwashed cherries from the bones and put them in the jar. Honey is dissolved in water. Fill the berries with a sweet solution and put in a warm place for fermentation for two days. At the same time, the neck of the can is covered with a gauze lid. After the time has elapsed, we pass the drink through the cotton-gauze filter and pour it on the bottles. The mead should ripen in a cool place for 2-4 months.

The recipe for cooking mead without yeast

Another alternative to yeast - perga - flower pollen canned with lactic fermentation. You can buy this product in any store specializing in bee products.



Honey is bred in water and put the mixture on fire. Cook the honey solution about 5 minutes after boiling, remove the resulting foam and remove from heat. In a warm base for mead we add pergus, we cover the containers with gauze covers and set to wander in the heat for about 6-7 days. After the passage of time, we filter the mead through the cotton-gauze filters and pour on the bottles. The drink will be ready after 2-3 months spent in a cool place.

Preparation of strong mead without yeast

Strong mead, in fact, is a mixture of honey and vodka. The ready-made drink has a characteristic honey aroma and a slightly sweetish taste, but it also hops like ordinary vodka.



Honey is dissolved in water and put the sweet solution on the fire. We cook the basis for the mead about 5 minutes after boiling, remembering to remove the formed foam. At the boiling stage, the drink can be flavored with aromatic spices: cinnamon, clove buds, an asterisk, a pinch of nutmeg. Now the honey broth should be cooled and diluted with vodka to the required strength. Vodka is added depending on the desired strength. Next, the mead is bottled and stored in the refrigerator until it is consumed.