Adaptive gymnastics of Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky was able to combine elements of various types of rehabilitation gymnastics and, thereby, created his new, unique method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The essence of adaptive gymnastics Bubnovsky - treatment by movement.


Kinesitherapy is a Latin analog of the name of gymnastics for joints according to Bubnovsky. In translation from Latin - treatment by movement. It is movement, not medication, corsets and peace. It's not for nothing that Bubnovsky's adaptive gymnastics is called "extreme", because most doctors with spinal diseases prescribe a minimum of movements, complete rest, anesthetics and, more often, an operation. Thus, they only exacerbate the problem, because the root of back diseases is in hypodynamia, and therefore it is necessary to direct one's own forces to eliminate inactivity.

Joint exercises - safety

In the centers of adaptive gymnastics, Dr. Bubnovsky select an individual complex of exercises for each patient, depending on the disease pattern and the physical condition of the patient. Gymnastics Bubnovsky is absolutely safe for the joints, moreover, the load in the exercises is aimed at the muscles and tendons, because it is through their work and eat bones and joints.

With the help of special equipment, such as the Bubnovsky -MTB simulator , an anti-gravity medium is created in which there is no stress on the joints, and this prevents the interarticular cartilage from being erased.

When practicing adaptive joint gymnastics Bubnovsky, the patient is always accompanied by a doctor who will demonstrate the exercise and will observe the correctness of his performance. For the introduction, we will present you a complex of exercises Bubnovsky, but appoint it as a therapeutic gymnastics can only a doctor.

  1. Sitting on the floor, on bent legs, we rise, stretch our hands up and take a breath. We go down - a full exhalation with sound.
  2. Purifying breath - palms on the stomach, pronouncing the sound "pf" through tightly compressed lips.
  3. Lay down on the back and swing the press. Hands straight in front of you when lifting - exhale, go down, hands behind the head (straight) and count to three.
  4. Pelvic lifts - legs, bent at the knees, set apart, when lifting the pelvis we lower our legs together. Repetitions: 20.
  5. Hands in the lock on the head, bent legs crossed and torn from the floor. We reduce knees and elbows - 20 times.
  6. Without bending the legs and not tearing the lock, we turn to the side, one hand against the floor, the second remains on the back of the head. We make lateral ascents. Repeat and on the other side - 15 repetitions.
  7. We got on all fours, a support on the hands, legs bent, caviar torn off the floor. We do staggering like a pendulum with our feet to relax the loins.
  8. From the previous position we stretched forward and stretched immediately forward, so we repeat at a rapid pace 15 times.
  9. We keep the position of the body, raise the right leg up and at the same time we wring out our hands. Repeat 20 times on each leg.
  10. Reached back, the pose of the child. We relax the muscles of the back.
  11. We sit on the floor, legs stretched forward. Keep your hands in front of you, tear off your legs and cross. Swing the press.
  12. Turning to the side, hand against the floor, we do a sweep with a bent leg and straight. Repeat 20 times per foot.
  13. We lay down on the back, hands straight behind the head, legs raised 90⁰ from the floor and crossed. We make a lift with a swing of hands forward. We repeat 20 times.
  14. We lay down on the floor, we lower our legs, we spread our knees to the side, our hands are straight behind our head, we make full lifts of the trunk, we stretch forward between our legs. Repetitions: 20.
  15. We conclude with a relaxing exercise on the lower back. We get on all fours, we tear our shins off the floor, we do staggering with our legs and shoulder girdle.