When to collect chokeberry?

Chokeberry is widely used in medicine, because it has incredible healing properties. Also from this berry jam, jams are cooked, added to pies, frozen for the winter and even made wine . Let's figure it out when it is necessary to collect arugula.

Harvesting of chokeberry

The period of ripening of berries begins at the end of summer. It turns black, is filled with juice and over time becomes sour-sweet taste. But at what time of the year is it necessary to collect chokeberry? It depends on the further use of berries. For jam or jam it is cut at the end of autumn. It was at this time that she was very juicy. Well, for compote - in early October, when the acid disappears from the berries.

You can make harvest of the black arctic mountain ash during the whole autumn season. Determine the degree of its maturity is very simple. To do this, click on the berry and squeeze a little juice. If it is a light shade, then the berry is still immature and sour, but if the juice is purple, then this is the ideal time to collect black chokeberry.

It is important to know when it is possible to collect black ashberry for frosting or drying. Berries should not be overripe, but not hard. The optimal time for collection is mid-October. At this time, mountain ash is no longer sour and it is full of useful vitamins. For freezing, rowan is separated from the stalk, placed in sealed dishes and sent to the freezer. Thus, mountain ash can lie throughout the winter without losing its useful properties. And to dry the berries hang or lay out whole bunches in a dry bright place for a couple of weeks, then put in bags. With this variant of the harvest for the winter of mountain ash, its healing and taste properties are also not lost.

When to collect black ashberry for wine?

The wine from this berry is very tasty and useful, but you need to collect it in time. Misinterpreted in this matter is difficult. As soon as the mountain ash turns black and becomes soft, then immediately harvest the harvest. Usually this happens at the end of October. Collecting black ashberry for wine is best after the rain, when it clears away the dust and fall off the "diseased" berries. Make sure that they are not wrinkled or rotten. For a wine, frozen or dried berries are completely unsuitable. Seriously concern the selection of capacity in which you will stand rowan. It must be made of stainless steel or enameled. Choose this kind of dishes and then you will achieve the desired result.