Laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst - everything you need to know about the procedure

This surgical procedure, like laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst, forms the basis of radical therapy. An operation is performed for certain indications. Planning takes into account the size of education, its structure, structure. Let's consider this method of treatment in more detail, let's name the main stages of the operation, the recovery period.

Ovarian cyst - surgery or laparoscopy?

This kind of choice of the method of conducting surgical intervention is performed by physicians. This takes into account a number of factors. The main one is the size of education. If it is small (8-10 cm in diameter), a laparoscopic operation is performed to remove the ovarian cyst. This method assumes minimal traumatization of tissues, does not require dissection into layers, abdominal wall. The necessary tools are introduced through a small hole - a diameter of 5 mm. The very laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst (the course of the operation) is fixed with video equipment, which reduces the risk of damage to the surrounding organs.

When determining the method of surgical intervention, take into account indications for laparoscopy, among which:

The operation is not carried out when:

Preparation for laparoscopy of ovarian cysts

The period preceding operative intervention is associated with numerous diagnostic examinations. Thus, the preparation for an operation to remove the ovarian cyst includes the following:

These tests for laparoscopy of ovarian cysts are an integral part of the preparation process. Their list can be expanded in the presence of chronic diseases. With a view to purifying the intestines, a woman is prescribed a laxative the day before, and an enema is made a few hours before the beginning. 12 hours before the laparoscopy of the ovarian cysts, exclude food intake, - the stomach should be empty. A significant role is played by the psychological preparation of women. On the eve of the doctor examines the patient, tells her the features of the operation, adjusting to a positive outcome.

How is the ovarian cyst removed?

Answering the question of patients about how the operation to remove the ovarian cyst is taking place, - the doctor first of all draws attention that everything is done with the help of a video camera. It is equipped with lenses, which repeatedly increases the images displayed on the monitor. The very procedure of removal occurs under general anesthesia - the woman does not feel anything at the same time.

Preliminary on the marked area, punctures are made, where a laparoscope is inserted. Carbon dioxide is then fed. It is necessary for better access to the ovaries, straightening the cavity of the peritoneum. In total, 3 notches are made: in one - a camera, 2 others - for tools. Based on the image, the surgeon performs a resection of the neoplasm. After laparoscopy ovarian cysts, gas is released from the abdominal cavity, stitches are applied to the punctures made and covered with sterile bandages. The duration of the operation can be up to 3 hours, on average - 60 minutes.

Laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst - postoperative period

Recovery after laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst goes quickly. In the evening after the operation, the girl is allowed to get up. For 3-4 days the pain in the joints completely disappears. Withdrawal takes place on the 7-9th day. Until then, daily treatment with antiseptic is carried out, antibacterial ointment (Levomecol) is applied to the surface, which prevents infection.

After a delayed laparoscopy, doctors recommend the following rules:

Diet after laparoscopy ovarian cysts

Doctors urgently require compliance with a certain diet, attentive to the composition of the diet. Immediately after laparoscopy, ovarian cysts, after 4-5 hours, are allowed to drink a small amount of still water. After the lapse of 6-8 hours, the first meal is carried out, - liquid broth. The first 24 hours allowed to eat sour-milk products - kefir, yoghurt.

On the 2nd day, a vegetable soup is added to the diet. The second dish can be a steam cutlet, squash or mashed potatoes. Answering the question of patients about what can be eaten after laparoscopy ovarian cysts, doctors point out the inadmissibility of consumption:

These products contain a large amount of plant fibers that cause flatulence. This condition is characterized by the tension of the anterior abdominal wall, which should be avoided in the postoperative period. When compiling a diet, a girl must adhere to medical instructions and recommendations to avoid possible complications. The following are excluded from the diet:

Monthly after laparoscopy ovarian cysts

Immediately the operation is appointed after the end of menstrual flow - on the 7-8 day of the cycle. This calculation is made for the complete restoration of the body to the beginning of the next cycle. The time at which menstrual discharge occurs after laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst remains virtually unchanged. But the opposite can also be noted. In this case, the day of operation is taken for the first day of the month.

It should be borne in mind that there may be small bloody discharge after surgery, not associated with cyclic. They have a small volume, lasting up to 3 days. It is necessary to closely monitor the coloration - if the color turns brown with a greenish tinge - it is worthwhile to visit the doctor, since the symptomatology of this kind indicates an infection.

Complications after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts

The procedure is not very traumatic, it is conducted under the control of video equipment, therefore complications are practically excluded. According to medical observations, in about 2% of cases violations are noted. To completely avoid them, doctors carefully plan to remove the ovarian cyst, the consequences of which can be as follows:

More serious consequences of the operation are rare. They are often conditioned by the low qualification of the surgeon, the lack of experience. The result can be:

Pain after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts

Almost immediately after surgical intervention, the withdrawal from anesthesia, the patient notes that her ovary hurts after removing the cyst. This may be a consequence of the operation. Such pain is stopped by taking pain medications. If the painful sensations do not disappear completely after 1-2 days, this may indicate complications of the postoperative period:

Pregnancy after removal of the ovarian cyst

Often cystic formations in the ovary are an obstacle to conception. This fact is related to the question of many women as to whether it is possible to become pregnant after removal of the ovarian cyst. Physicians indicate that the chances of fertilization after surgery are significantly increased. In parallel, a course of hormonal therapy is prescribed, restoring the correct functioning of the gonads. Its duration is 3-6 months. At the end of the course of therapy, they begin planning pregnancy.