Cabbage juice - useful properties and contraindications

Cabbage is familiar to any of us, and, perhaps, there is no person who does not try dishes cooked from cabbage. Probably, its popularity is due to the fact that it is extremely useful. And for the treatment of a number of diseases, cabbage juice is used, the useful properties of which are actively used for improving the body. At the same time, the taste of cabbage juice is far from familiar to everyone.

How useful is the cabbage juice?

Of course, we are talking about freshly squeezed cabbage juice - it is it that stores the most useful substances. Among them - a set of vitamins, a complex of macro and microelements - almost everything that fresh cabbage has. All useful components of the composition of cabbage are preserved and in juice, except for fiber. It is the valuable composition that determines the unique useful properties of vegetable juice. Of course, the cabbage juice has useful properties, but it also has contraindications, which we will get acquainted with later.

  1. Vitamin C, present in fresh juice, increases the protective functions of the body in the fight against infections.
  2. Regulates the level of blood clotting and strengthens the musculoskeletal tissue of the body vitamin K.
  3. Juice has antitumor, hemostatic and wound healing effects, which are most pronounced in the treatment of erosions of the stomach, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to fresh cabbage, the sauce is used in the treatment, and the properties of the sauerkraut juice for their medicinal properties are not inferior to the fresh drink, especially when it comes to replenishing the body with vitamin C. It is established that 1 glass of sauerkraut juice (aka - brine) is completely satisfies the body's need for this vitamin.

In addition, there is a positive effect of brine in the fight against excess kilograms. Juice of sauerkraut has useful properties, but there are also contraindications to its use, although their list is not large.

It is not recommended to use in large quantities for those who suffer from high acidity of the stomach, as well as with individual intolerance. There were no other contraindications to its use.