How to knock down the temperature in a child?

When the crumbs have a high temperature, mom does not find a place for herself and beats all the bells - after all, her child is listless and helpless, and he wants to help him so much. Let's figure out what temperature it is necessary to knock down the child and where it can come from.

Possible causes of fever

A rise in temperature can be caused by the following factors:

Is it necessary to bring down the temperature to the child?

Contrary to popular belief that worry is needed only if the thermometer shows above 38 ° C, moms rush to bring down the temperature to a small child as soon as possible. Doctors insist that in this way the body is fighting infection. But the child may have diseases of the nervous system and high fever can provoke cramps. In one of the books, Dr. Komarovsky specified the cases when the temperature should be brought down as soon as possible:

Many mothers are concerned about how to knock down the temperature after vaccination and whether you should even worry about it. Unfortunately, not every clinic has routine blood and urine tests before routine vaccination, even less often it is said that a few days before the vaccination it is necessary to give the baby a remedy for allergies. Allergic reaction to the vaccine - a frequent phenomenon, it provokes an increase in temperature.

How to bring down the temperature of a baby

The change in body temperature occurs due to two processes: heat transfer and evaporation. This is how you can bring down the temperature of a child using these processes:

If the crumb fully tolerates the elevated temperature and is still quite active, it may all be without complications. So before deciding what to knock off the heat to the child, try to provide the body with the conditions to overcome this problem on its own.