Wet gangrene

If blood circulation is disturbed in soft tissues, their death (necrosis) begins. The most severe and dangerous form of this process is wet gangrene. Usually, it occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases, after fractures and burns, infectious pathologies, chronic diseases of internal organs.

What is characteristic for moist gangrene?

In the early stages, the condition in question resembles the onset of dry gangrene - swelling swelling, visibility of the veins, resulting in a marble pattern appearing on the skin. Pulse within the affected area is not palpable.

In the future, gangrenous zones are covered with dark red spots and blisters filled with saccharum. Severe forms of pathology are accompanied by pronounced symptoms of decomposition:

There is also a progressive moist gangrene of the soft tissues of the face - nome. In adults, it does not occur, this disease is observed only in weakened babies.

If necrosis develops in internal organs, there are such signs:

Complications of moist gangrene

The consequences of the described necrosis are always severe. Lack of adequate treatment leads to complete withering of the tissues of the limbs and their subsequent amputation, the need to remove some internal organs.

The most serious variant of the complication of the disease is sepsis . In such cases, a lethal outcome is likely.

Than to treat a damp gangrene?

Therapy is aimed at an emergency elimination of the rotting focus, cupping inflammatory processes and the fight against bacterial infection:

  1. Removal of the affected limb within healthy tissue or complete excision of the internal organ that has undergone necrosis (laparotomy).
  2. Introduction of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
  3. Infusion drugs detoxification.
  4. Restoration of metabolic processes and diuresis.

All medical measures are appointed by the doctor, individually to each patient.