Treatment of otitis in adults at home

Otitis is an inflammatory disease that often occurs in an acute infectious form and occurs predominantly as a complication in other pathologies - tonsillitis, measles, influenza, etc. Inflammation can occur in various areas of the ear, in connection with which there are three types of otitis - the outer, middle , inner. The main symptoms of the pathology are: earache, headache, hearing loss, a sense of noise in the ears, an increase in body temperature, with external limited otitis - the appearance of a furuncle in the auditory canal.

Medication for acute otitis media in the home in adults

Usually, otitis in adults is treated on an outpatient basis with the appointment of the following groups of medications:

1. Nasal vasoconstrictive drops for removing the edema of the mucous membranes in the Eustachian tube and normalizing the intake of air through it:

2. Ear drops, which, as a rule, are complex agents containing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic components:

3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process, eliminate pain and normalize body temperature:

4. Antibiotics of systemic action with purulent otitis media:

Patients are shown:

To the sick ear you can apply dry warm compresses.

Treatment of otitis media folk at home

Use of folk remedies for the treatment of this disease is allowed only after a medical examination, an accurate diagnosis and agreement with the doctor. Usually folk recipes are used as a supplement to the prescribed basic therapy. Self-treatment at home can be dangerous, especially with purulent otitis, threatening a breakthrough eardrum.

Consider several proven methods that can be used for otitis.

Warming up

It is used at the initial stage in the absence of high temperature and purulent process, as well as at the final stage of the treatment course. For the procedure, you can apply:

Procedures are recommended to be repeated three times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Therapeutic drink

When treating internal otitis with the goal of promptly stopping the inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take infusion prepared on an uncomplicated prescription.


Preparation and use

Mix all the ingredients, measure one tablespoon of the collection and pour it with boiling water. Having insisted for half an hour, strain and take in small portions throughout the day.


For treatment at home otitis externa one can use cotton or gauze turundas, which are placed in the ear canal. Turundas can be impregnated by the following means:

Before use, the listed products should be heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature.