Treatment of sperm motility

Medical measures aimed at treating the mobility of male sex cells - spermatozoa, should always be carried out in a complex. This allows you to achieve a better result and an early onset of the effect. Let's look at the main directions of therapy and tell in detail how to increase sperm motility.

How do they improve the quality of male germ cells?

Such kind of activities are appointed in the case when the results of the spermogram show that the sample of the ejaculate contains less than 35% of mobile cells.

First of all, before prescribing drugs to improve sperm motility, physicians recommend that men change their habitual way of life, i.ะต. to abandon bad habits, if any, to change the diet. So the daily menu should include such products as milk, fruit, cereals, there must be meat and nuts.

In addition to normalizing nutrition, it is also necessary to put in order the sleep and wakefulness regime.

Do not be superfluous and the intake of vitamins, among which must necessarily be present vitamin E, C. Dosage multiplicity and duration of the intake should be indicated solely by the doctor in accordance with the severity and symptomatology of the disorder.

Together with vitamins to improve sperm motility, prescribe and stimulating drugs. Among those can be called improving the regional blood flow means - Trental, Actovegin. Also, treatment can not do without hormonal drugs, - Andriol, Proviron, Pregnil.

Often, in the list of medical appointments, you can see and such pills to increase the mobility of spermatozoa, like Spemann. This drug is a complex of medicinal plants that possess a so-called androgen-like property, i.e. affect the body of men, like sex hormones. Such action of the drug is due to the presence in the drug components such as male orbits, velvety beans, itching, astringant, compass. The complex also contains a mineral compound that positively affects not only the activity of male germ cells, but also morphology.

Treatment aimed at improving the mobility of spermatozoa is a fairly long process, taking about 2-2.5 months.