How to prepare for pregnancy?

In our life we ​​always hurry somewhere, try to do everything at once, sometimes even embrace the immensity. But such a rush in the preparation for parenting is completely useless. You need to stop and think carefully about how to prepare for pregnancy, because this issue is extremely important, and on your decision depends on your future, and the future of the person who is born with you, and you do not have the right to make a mistake.

Many people have an idea of ​​how to prepare for pregnancy, but basically it's just general information, for example, to lead a healthy lifestyle. But this is a very diffuse and generalized concept. Let's try to understand the various nuances of the process, preparation for pregnancy, and consider the important question of how to prepare for a man's pregnancy.

How to prepare for pregnancy?

If the couple decided to become parents, then, first of all, the woman should stop taking oral contraceptives (if she took them), at least six months before the beginning of pregnancy planning. It is clear that if a woman has a spiral, then it also needs to get rid of. After that, it is necessary to undergo an examination with a gynecologist, who will give clear advice on how to continue preparing for pregnancy.

After a gynecologist, a woman is recommended to visit a dentist and an ophthalmologist. This is not an obligatory measure, but it is very desirable to correct the existing health problems (especially in the case of teeth, it is problematic to treat them during pregnancy and lactation).

The next stage of preparation is a healthy way of life. It includes a complete rejection of bad habits - this applies to alcohol, tobacco, and even more so to narcotic drugs. It is worth with great accuracy to take medication, as many of them contain alcohol. In addition, not all medicines can be taken during pregnancy (and in case of pregnancy, you may not immediately find out about it and continue taking medications, which can lead to problems later). Then pay attention to your food. Do not eat harmful foods, try to eat only healthy food. This is necessary not only for your baby, but for yourself. Nature is conceived so that the child will take from his mother all that he needs. But how much remains after this woman herself, depends only on herself. Therefore, a full-fledged variety of nutrition is an important stage in preparing for pregnancy.

How to prepare for a man's pregnancy?

Future dads are interested in the question, but how can a man prepare for pregnancy? For a man during pregnancy planning, a healthy lifestyle is also relevant. And this applies not only alcoholic, but also low-alcohol drinks. Also it is necessary to exclude smoking and the use of narcotic substances in any form. In the period of active planning, you need, like a woman, to eat fully. It is better to reduce physical activity, to minimize the use of sauna and bath. High temperatures affect the motor activity of spermatozoa, which can lead to problems in conception.

Prepare for pregnancy can and taking vitamins, both fortifying, and specially designed complexes for planning.

If you do not know how to psychologically prepare for pregnancy, then you can turn to a psychologist. Still the information can be gleaned from the corresponding literature in which all is told about pregnancy, sorts, education of children, or more to communicate with the couples having children.

How to prepare for a second pregnancy?

On the part of physical health, the second pregnancy can be prepared the same way as the first. In terms of the same psychological preparation, everything is also very similar, with the only exception, that you need to prepare not only yourself, but also prepare an older child for the appearance of another baby.