Drink tan - good and bad

From the depths of the centuries, useful and refreshing sour milk drinks have come to us - a source of health and good mood. In fact, all nations that breed dairy cattle have their own recipes for fermented milk products. Their importance from the very beginning was dictated by the practical need to preserve milk , in whatever form, because in the summer it quickly deteriorated.

Squirming solved the problem for a while. In Russia, for example, they were preparing yogurt and varenets, using sour cream as a starter. Well, in the Caucasus - in Circassia, Kabarda, Armenia, etc. - used a composition from several different starter cultures.

Not being able to keep the milk fresh, the shepherds added a leaven to it and maintained their strength with the resulting refreshing drink.

Whether a drink tan is useful is obviously a pointless question. Who in our time doubts the benefits of sour milk drinks? They have a complex beneficial effect on the entire body.

The sour milk drink tan has many useful properties: it contains an amazing number of different beneficial bacteria that, after settling in the intestines of a person, displace putrid and pathogenic bacteria from there. The healing effect of tana also extends to the liver and stomach.

Tan greatly enhances the immune system. Those who drink tan do not fall ill even in the period of epidemics.

The use of tan is also manifested in the fact that it perfectly quenches thirst and struggles with hangover syndrome, in which quality we deeply revere all lovers to "sip" the excess. It removes cholesterol from the body and helps in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Useful properties of tana

Drink tan has useful properties that have only recently been recognized by scientists. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, treats bronchitis and pneumonia, facilitates breathing by improving the flow of blood to the lungs.

Tan, a sour-milk drink, brings undoubted advantage in the fight against excess weight. It is perfect for a light dinner, irreplaceable for fasting days. For this purpose, tan much better cope with the task, rather than traditional yogurt and yogurt, as it has a powerful cleansing action and a diverse useful microflora. Nutritionists recommend tan and as a snack.

Tan is accepted to drink, spicy with herbs, for example, basil, which, naturally, further increases the value of the drink for health.

Harmful properties of tana

But a drink tan, in addition to good, can also bring harm. It is not necessary to drink it to people who have increased acidity of gastric juice, or, at least, you should be careful. In addition, tan is ayran mixed with mineral water. This means that it should be used with caution by people with impaired salt balance (if it's not a hangover, but a disease).

It must also be remembered that, that although the tan retains its freshness for a while, it is still better to keep it in the refrigerator, and to consume it within 24 hours after the bottle was opened in order to avoid food poisoning with a guarantee. The most useful is fresh tan.

How to make a tan at home? To do this, mix half a liter of matzoni with constant stirring with 300 ml of mineral water , add salt and add very finely chopped greens to taste. Thus, we get a fresh drink of tan, which brings great benefits to the whole organism.

It is recommended to use tan and for preventive purposes, because it helps get rid of many ailments. This drink is very tasty and healthy.