Apricot jam slices

Apricot jam is a tasty and delicious treat. Having welded it and having opened such a jar on cold winter days, you will feel the unforgettable taste of summer and get great pleasure! And how to prepare apricot jam slices, we'll tell you now.

Apricot jam slices



So, select dense apricots, carefully wash them, break them into halves, carefully remove the bones and put the fruit in an enameled deep bowl. In a separate dish of sugar and cold water, cook the syrup, stirring it periodically with a wooden spoon. Then we bring it to a boil and remove the foam that has risen by means of a noise. Fill apricots with hot syrup and mix thoroughly. After 10 minutes, gently drain all the liquid from the fruit, boil and pour the apricots again. We put the jam aside and insist for 12 hours. After this, put the treat on the fire and cook over low heat for 50 minutes, until the syrup gets a rich golden color. Ready apricot jam slices in syrup laid out on clean jars, roll up the lids, turn over and leave in this form to cool. After that, we remove the jam in the cellar and store it throughout the winter.

Apricot jam slices with orange



Apricots are thoroughly washed, cut into halves and carefully remove the bones. Then each lobe is pierced in several places with a toothpick, to isolate the juice. Water is mixed with sugar and cook sugar syrup on a weak fire. After that, gently fill them with cut apricots and leave to infuse for about a day. After the time has elapsed, the separated juice is drained into a saucepan, boiled and poured out to the fruit. Add the sliced ​​orange and leave the jam for another 24 hours. Next, put the dishes on the fire, heat the delicacy and cook until ready. Now put the jam in dry jars, roll, cool and clean in the cellar.

Apricot jam slices with kernels



We take ripe apricots, rinse them under water, dry them, cut each fruit in half and extract the bones, but do not throw them away. Next, put the fruit in a cast-iron pan. Citruses are rinsed, wiped with a towel, cut into slices and twisted with zest on a meat grinder. The resulting mass is added to the apricots and covered with sugar.

We shake the pan well, cover it with a thin cloth and leave it for 3 hours.

This time we will deal with apricot bones: take a hammer and carefully split them so that all the nucleoli remain intact. When the fruit is let out the juice, put the dishes on a weak fire and bring to a boil. Be sure to remove the noise of the rising foam and cook the treat in one session for about an hour. While the jam is boiling, we prepare small jars and lids, sterilize them in the oven. At the very end, we throw in the finished apricot jam nucleoli from the bones, mix well and boil for about 10 minutes, covered with a lid. Hot delicacy is laid out on jars, roll up with sterilized lids, carefully turn over and wrap it tightly with something warm. We leave the workpiece in this position until it cools completely, and then we move it to a cellar or refrigerator and store it all winter.