Burning sensation in the legs

According to the health statistics of different countries, almost every woman who crossed the threshold of 40-45 years, at least once felt a burning sensation in her legs. In some, it quickly passed, while others became a daily unpleasant "companion". What is this phenomenon, why it arises, and what to do about it, we will talk today.

Burning in the legs: what is it and where does it come from?

So, what contributes to the sensation of burning sensation in the soles of the feet, on what factors does it depend? According to the doctors-neuropathologists, the very sensation of burning of the feet and toes is caused by a violation of the nerve conduction of the foot fibers. Under the influence of any internal diseases, nerve cells begin to break down, which leads to such a perverted work.

Normally, from the brain to the muscles and back to the peripheral nerves, as by wires in any electrical system, command impulses arrive. For example, to lift a leg, step, to lift a hand or a leg from hot, etc. But if in our "wires" there is a "breakdown", the peripheral nerve cells begin to transmit to the brain the perverse false information, which is manifested by a burning sensation in the soles of the feet.

Causes of burning in the legs

In general, pain and burning in the legs is just one of the symptoms of the following diseases:

Burning sensation in the legs

Well, and, of course, each of the suffering women raises the question of how to fight with this disease. That's how. At a diabetes it is necessary to normalize level of a glucose, and also to accept antioxidants and vitamins of group B, to watch the diet and to obey the doctor.

With a hereditary factor, the problem can not be completely eliminated, one can only alleviate the condition with the help of anticonvulsants. These are medicines that do not give nerve impulses to reach the brain, and burning is almost not felt. Also, many patients are helped by cold compresses or baths.

Well, and with oncology it is necessary to eliminate the tumor. As soon as it is destroyed, the burning sensation disappears by itself. In a word, you can always find a way out of the hopeless situation, most importantly, do not sit idly by, and do not neglect the help of doctors.