Flat stomach - a selection of exercises for a thin waist and a flat stomach

Want to have a flat stomach, then get ready for the hard work, because the fat deposits from this area go very slowly. It is necessary to know the rules of training and effective exercises, as well as the features related to nutrition.

How to achieve a flat stomach?

Immediately it is worth saying that losing weight locally in one place is not realistic, as the volumes will decrease throughout the body. To get a good result, an integrated approach is important, that is, it should work in several directions at once: play sports, adhere to a diet and use cosmetic procedures. In addition, if you are interested in how to make a flat stomach, then do not forget about healthy sleep and rest, without which it will be more difficult to lose weight.

Exercises for a thin waist and a flat stomach

To get rid of fat, you need to burn it and do it without physical exertion will not work. You can practice in the gym, fitness and other areas in groups and at home, most importantly, do it regularly. Exercises for a flat stomach: cardio-loading, various variations of twists, turns and inclinations, plank and torsion hula-hoop. There is a certain list of rules for effective training:

  1. Practice regularly and better every day. It is important to make progress, that is, periodically increase the number of repetitions.
  2. Watch your breath when training, and do not delay it.
  3. To get a flat stomach, it is better to exercise on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating.
  4. Follow the technique of execution, because the result depends on it.

Exercise "vacuum" for a flat stomach

If you want to get incredible results, then use this breathing exercise. With regular exercise, you can reduce the volume of the stomach, improve digestion and blood supply to organs. You can make a "vacuum" by lying, sitting on your knees, standing and on all fours. The first option is the simplest, and the last one is complicated. "Vacuum" for a flat stomach is performed as follows:

  1. Place yourself on the floor, keeping your legs bent at right angles, putting the spots on the floor. Relax breathing, and then make a maximum exhalation and hold your breath.
  2. Make a "false breath," that is, let in the air, but simply pull in your stomach even more. As a result, the diaphragm will draw in and expand the chest.
  3. The abdomen should be as much as possible drawn and tucked up to the spine. Stay in this position for the maximum amount of time, and then relax and exhale.

Fukutsuji technique for flat stomach

The Japanese method is a revolutionary way to get rid of the fat fold on the abdomen. It is necessary to twist the roller from a regular towel and fasten it with a thin rope or string. It should not be too big. Exercise with a towel for a flat stomach is very simple:

  1. Sit on the floor, because the hard surface is important.
  2. Put the roller back and gently lay down on the floor, holding the towel by hand. It is important that when the body takes a horizontal position, the cushion is exactly under the navel.
  3. Lay out your legs, but turn your feet so that your thumbs touch each other. Hands extend upwards, pointing the palms to the floor and crossing the little fingers.
  4. Relax and stay in this position for 5 minutes. That's the whole secret of a flat stomach. Regularly increase the time.

Yoga for a flat stomach

Excellent results in losing weight gives yoga. With simple asanas, you can restore metabolism, reduce appetite, tighten skin and strengthen muscles.

  1. A flat stomach and a thin waist can be obtained by performing simple poses: cobra, dog, warrior, boat, camel and others.
  2. You need to start from a few minutes a day, and gradually add time.
  3. Repeat each asana 3-4 times. Do daily workouts.
  4. It is important to eat properly and then the results will be visible in 2-3 weeks.

Massage for a flat stomach

In addition to exercises, cosmetic procedures, for example, pinch massage, will be useful. It leads to a decrease in volume and an improvement in blood circulation. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, the cells and abdominal muscles become toned. The instruction how to make a thin waist and a flat stomach, looks so:

  1. Lay on your back, relax and apply the base oil to your skin.
  2. With your palm, do a few movements around the navel, moving clockwise. This will warm the skin.
  3. After this, continuing to move clockwise, perform pinching movements. Gradually increase the intensity of exposure.
  4. You need to finish the massage when the skin becomes slightly reddish. At the end, rub your stomach with a towel.

Diet for a flat stomach

Losing without proper nutrition is impossible, so you should adjust your menu. No strict diets, because if the result is, it will only be temporary. Nutrition for a flat stomach includes such rules:

  1. Eat every 3-4 hours and in small portions, which will help to forget about hunger and disperse metabolism.
  2. Use a lot of water, so the daily rate is 1.5-2 liters.
  3. A diet for a flat stomach for a week and other options should include foods rich in fiber.
  4. Eliminate from the diet fatty, high-calorie and other harmful foods containing simple carbohydrates and saturated fats.
  5. To soon see a flat stomach, once a day eat protein foods, but only choose dietary products, for example, poultry meat, low-fat dairy products and so on.

Cleansing jelly for flat stomach

Lose weight can be with a simple drink that helps to clean the intestines, improve the body and normalize weight. Kissel for a flat stomach is an excellent option for unloading days. Drink it throughout the day, excluding any food. The taste is not perfect, but the result is excellent. You can carry out unloading every month and even more often.



  1. Peeled beet and grate. Prunes - finely cut with a knife.
  2. In a saucepan pour water, boil it and then send all the ingredients there.
  3. Cook the jelly for 15-20 minutes. on a small fire under the lid.
  4. Strain the broth and you can drink right away. For a couple of hours before sleep is recommended to drink the maximum amount of jelly. The rest of the amount should be drunk throughout the next day in small portions. In the morning it is recommended to eat out the strained thicket instead of breakfast.

Products for flat stomach

Want a beautiful figure, then once and for all forget about sweets, baking, smoked, fat and other high-calorie foods. To get a flat stomach at home, include in the diet such products:

  1. Vegetables . They contain a lot of fiber, which improves digestion. Eat both raw and cooked vegetables.
  2. The greens . Add more parsley, basil, oregano and other greens to the dishes, which has a positive effect on metabolism.
  3. Fish . Include in your menu different types of fish at least a couple of times a week.
  4. Cereals . In the diet should be useful carbohydrates, which are in buckwheat, rice and other cereals, as well as in pasta from durum wheat.
  5. Meat . In the diet for a flat stomach should be present dietary meat from two to five times a week.
  6. Fruits . This is a substitute for harmful sweets, so eat fruits and berries every day.
  7. Sour-milk products . It is useful to use sour-milk products, but only they should not be fat.

Flat stomach after delivery

Many women, trying to return to the form as soon as possible after delivery, begin to be engaged in 1-2 weeks and this is a mistake. Doctors recommend resting for 60 days and allowing the body to recover. To help the natural processes, you need to wear a special postpartum bandage . Consider that a flat stomach after cesarean is a difficult task and recovery takes even more time.

  1. When the doctor resolves, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the difficulty of delivery, one can proceed to the exercises. First spend 10 minutes each. on daily workouts.
  2. Lose weight without proper diet can not, so forget about the habit of eating for two. Even during breastfeeding, you can not overeat. Think about a balanced diet, so that the milk is good, but there are no extra calories. Take food fractionally.
  3. A flat stomach can be seen faster if you use the services of a beautician or regularly independently conduct home procedures, for example, massage, wrapping and so on.