Duck with mushrooms

The whole bird baked is an excellent option, both for a festive and for a casual table. It turns out not only delicious, but also beautiful. Duck meat for its taste is more interesting than chicken, although not as dietary. The best way to cook this bird is baking. Now we'll tell you how delicious to cook a duck with mushrooms in the oven and multivark.

Duck stuffed with mushrooms



We chop the onion, mushrooms cut into small pieces, potatoes cut into cubes. Onions are fried in vegetable oil, we spread mushrooms, salt and fry for another 5 minutes. Then add potatoes, salt, pepper and fry for another 10 minutes. With the mixture we stuff the duck , we sew it with a toothpick or chop it. We rub the carcass with salt and pepper. We put the duck in a sleeve for baking or wrapped in foil. At a temperature of 180 degrees, we prepare 2 hours. For 15 minutes before the end of the process, we cut the sleeve so that the duck with potatoes and mushrooms is browned.

Duck stuffed with rice and mushrooms



Duck my and dry it with a paper towel, then gently release the carcass from the bones. It is convenient to do this, starting from the bottom, cutting the joints of bones and meat. In this case, we leave the wings and bones in the legs. Olive oil is combined with soy sauce and mixed. We place the duck in a deep bowl, cover it with marinade and leave for about an hour to marinate. At this time, boil the rice almost to the ready in a large amount of water, then throw the rice into a colander.

Dried mushrooms are poured with warm water, as soon as they have softened, cut them into cubes or straws and mix with rice. We stuff the carcass of the duck with the prepared stuffing, we sew the hole. We lay a duck with rice and mushrooms in a deep pan and send it to the oven for about an hour and a half. The temperature should be 220 degrees. To duck brown more evenly during cooking it can be turned once. We serve the duck, baked with rice and mushrooms, slicing it with slices.

Duck with mushrooms in the multivark



We cut the duck with pieces of medium size, rub it with salt, spices and chopped garlic. We lubricate the cup of the multivark with vegetable oil, turn on the "Baking" mode and the cooking time is 1 hour. Fold the duck in the multivark and fry for 30 minutes, periodically turning over. Then add water (pieces of meat should be almost covered with it). Leave to prepare before the end of the program. In the meantime, mine and finely cut mushrooms. We set the "Quenching" mode and the time is 30 minutes. We spread the mushrooms on top of the duck and fill it all with cream. After the end of this cooking mode, we turn on the "Heating" for 15 minutes - then the dish will turn out even juicier.