Candles from a hemorrhoids at a lactemia

Hemorrhoids are a very unpleasant disease that can worsen during pregnancy or after childbirth. The fact is that during the attempts at childbirth , a woman has a large amount of blood poured into the small pelvis, which causes hemorrhoidal nodes. Treatment of hemorrhoids in nursing is complicated by the fact that during the period of feeding a woman is banned many medications.

But hemorrhoids do not belong to those diseases that can be ignored or whose treatment can be postponed until better times. This is varicose rectum. Postpartum hemorrhoids are not so terrible, but in the event that this is an old sore, the condition of which has worsened significantly after the birth, the treatment of the hemorrhoids of the nursing mother will be longer.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation

During the exacerbation of the disease, severe pain may be present, especially with defecation. In order to relieve severe pain, if you have a hemorrhoids in your nursing mother, you can use hemorrhoidal suppositories and ointments with analgesic effect.

Candles from hemorrhoids that are allowed to the nursing mother: Relief, Gepatrombin G, Posterizan, and also Procto-Glivenol, Anuzol, and others. Some of these candles are able to relieve pain due to the presence of anesthetic in them, for example, anestezin is present in Posterizan. It should be borne in mind that all these funds for hemorrhoids for nursing mothers can give side effects, for example, cause allergies in your baby.

But there are homeopathic candles that can be used during breastfeeding. These candles are created on the basis of plant components, and they have virtually no side effects.

The choice of candles depends on the course of your disease. Each candle is aimed at solving a specific problem, some are recognized as an anesthetic or an inflammation, others stop bleeding, others are used for cracks in the anus. Also distinguish candles for internal and external hemorrhoids.

That is why it is not just dangerous to prescribe candles on your own during breastfeeding, because it is useless to take candles that you simply do not fit. It is worth turning to a proctologist who professionally selects a candle or ointment and takes under medical supervision hemorrhoids from a nursing mother, and also conducts a full examination and finds out the cause of your illness.

Nutrition for hemorrhoids

First of all, it is necessary to restore the stool, because if there are constipation, the hemorrhoids during lactation will only increase. To do this, you need to correct your food. At a minimum, increase the use of fiber.

Regularly eat foods that are able to weaken your intestines. Put the prunes, figs, dried apricots, yogurt, kasha, bran, apples and vegetable oil correctly into your nursing mother's menu . In addition, drink 1,5-2 liters of water.

It is necessary to limit or completely eliminate smoked, white bread and all flour, sweets, as well as coffee, fizzy drinks. For a while you should forget about manna and rice porridge, chocolate, and all the products that fix your chair.

Hygiene with hemorrhoids

When the first symptoms of hemorrhoids are to adhere to certain rules. After defecation, do not use toilet paper, it is better to wash with cool or cold water. Such hygiene contributes to the narrowing of the vessels and reduces the hemorrhoidal node. It is better not to take hot baths, for the prevention of taking a cold shower or a cool bath. In addition to the bath you can add the grass chamomile, sage or marigold.

Sport for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be defeated or alleviated by elementary exercises. It is necessary to restore stagnant circulation in the small pelvis. For this it is necessary to move. Move as much as possible. Do light gymnastics. But it should be remembered that lifting weights is forbidden when the hemorrhoids manifest. Therefore, you have to forget about lifting heavy dumbbells and a gym.

The following exercises are very useful:

The main thing is not to despair and approach the treatment of this disease thoroughly, and then you can forever part with hemorrhoids and its symptoms.