Vaseline oil for constipation in cats

Vaseline oil in medical practice has limited application. Its main purpose is to relieve the condition of patients suffering from constipation. Successful results have expanded the scope of the drug. To date, petroleum jelly is widely used in veterinary medicine for constipation in dogs and cats. It is believed that the state of constipation is the absence of an act of defecation for more than two days.

Properties of the preparation

When used internally, petroleum jelly lubricates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and softens its contents. Not absorbed into the body, it works like a weak stimulant of intestinal peristalsis. However, they should not get too carried away, as long-term use leads to dysfunction of the digestive system, a decrease in intestinal tone and the non-digestibility of fat-soluble vitamins.

The use of vaseline oil inside with constipation in cats

If the cat suffers from constipation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the frequency of the stool of your pet. The absence of a toilet for several days necessarily affects the behavior of the animal. It moves little, becomes sluggish, the stomach of the cat can be slightly enlarged. It is best in this case to contact a veterinarian, who will choose the appropriate amount of money according to weight.

If there is no possibility to apply to the clinic, the recommended dosage of vaseline oil for constipation in cats is 0.2 ml per 100 g of kitten weight. The adult pet is given from 10 to 15 ml of the drug for one dose, with its repeated application after four hours, reducing the dose to 5 ml. In the absence of defecation, the interval between the following methods should be at least five hours. More than five times a day, the laxative is not recommended.

Although the remedy has neither taste nor smell, the pet is unlikely to readily eat it. The most convenient is the use of a medical syringe without a needle, which slowly injects the oil so that it glass in the throat past the tongue. It is necessary to make sure that the cat swallows it. A sharp injection is dangerous because the drug can get into the upper respiratory tract, and this is unacceptable. Some owners, fearing that the cat can be drowned, give petroleum jelly to his pet with spoons. In no case do not perform this procedure in the lying position of the animal.

Introduction of oil with enema

When cats are very constipated , many are lost and do not know what to do to help their pets. For this case in your arsenal should be a small enema, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. A small amount of oil is collected into it and injected into the large intestine of the animal. This is a very unpleasant procedure for a cat, which is also difficult to do on your own. But for the common good it is necessary to reconcile with it to the cat and its owner.

Prevention of constipation:

  1. Introduce in the diet of your pet enough coarse fibers that help to cleanse the intestines. Meal only meat products contribute to the appearance of constipation.
  2. Keep track of the amount of food consumed. The body is especially bad at overeating. Over time, the cat will not only be well-fed, it appears with health, primarily from the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Do not keep the cat only on a dry ration. In her diet should be a sufficient amount of liquid.
  4. Pay attention to walks. This is one of the main measures for the prevention of constipation.
  5. Owners who live long-haired cats need to have a special food that cleanses the intestines from the swallowed hair.

If you still have a problem, make sure that it is constipation. After all, if the intestinal obstruction, which often appears after swallowing a foreign object, vaseline oil is strictly prohibited.