What is the advantage of trading in the market?

With the advent of huge supermarkets of self-service, even in the most run-down towns and villages, trade in the market has ceased to bring a good income, but for a certain category of goods, buyers only go there. As practice shows, some goods here can be purchased for a much lower price and also of high quality. How to trade in the market is beneficial - in this article.

What commodity is advantageous to trade in the market?

In the category of goods that never fall flat and are always in great demand, they hit:

  1. Meat, fat, offal. On the market with such goods come to trade residents of villages and villages, which themselves grow pork and beef, so its quality remains at an altitude, which can not be said about meat, which is represented on supermarket shelves. In addition, it is necessarily checked by the regulatory authorities, so do not be afraid to poison yourself.
  2. Those who are interested in what products are profitable to trade in the spontaneous market, you can answer that seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries. Of course, there is a great temptation to buy a peach in a supermarket in the winter, but it must be remembered that various chemicals and pesticides that they handle are responsible for its safety. Seasonal vegetables and fruits grown on the beds of local residents are free from these shortcomings, and the price for them, as a rule, does not "bite", because the owners do not need to spend money on transportation.
  3. Household chemicals, all kinds of fertilizers, means for destroying insects, paint and varnish products, etc. They are always in good demand, and the weather does not affect the safety, so this is an excellent option for those who think about what it is profitable to trade in the market in the winter.
  4. Various hosiery, underwear, knitwear. The cost of such goods, as a rule, is low, therefore it is unprofitable for them to trade in covered pavilions, where all profits will be "eaten" by rent. In addition, for expensive underwear, women often go to boutiques, but they buy inexpensive goods in spontaneous markets.
  5. Those who are interested in whether it is profitable to trade in the clothing market, it is worth noting that this is not the most successful option for business . First of all, clothes have nowhere to try on, as a result of which the seller loses half of its potential customers. It is very important to study the demand, to understand what particular items of clothing people need and to present them in this particular market.
  6. Household goods such as window thermometers, extension cords, flashlights, etc. They are always in price and there is always demand for them.