How to cope with a midnight appetite?

Probably every woman had such a situation - you sit in front of the TV in the evening and the refrigerator beckons to you, but if you watch your figure, you should know that you can not eat at night, as the body can not digest food and it will turn in fat. But what if there is only one desire in the head - to eat, what to do and how to get rid of the midnight appetite ?

"I want to eat!"

Many women, not to be seen with a cake in their hands, try to eat secretly at night, and some are not ashamed and pour more food into the plate and eat in front of the TV. All people have their own reasons for overnight snacks, and eat everything in different ways. Someone can at once eat a huge portion, and someone for the whole evening 20 times runs to the refrigerator.

Causes of Midnight Appetite

  1. Many women use advice - do not eat after 19:00. This statement is not entirely correct, you need to eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime. If you do not eat for a long time, the body will start to demand food and most often it happens, just at night.
  2. Often, women seize their problems and stresses , just at night, when no one is around, and all the experiences are rolling in with new force.
  3. The cause of midnight appetite may be a disease of the stomach and intestines, for example, an ulcer or gastritis.
  4. Also, the cause of such an appetite can be hormonal disruptions in the body.

How to cope with this problem?

There are a few tips that will help you get rid of the midnight appetite once and for all:

  1. Be sure to have breakfast . One of the most common reasons for the appearance of an appetite before going to bed is the lack of breakfast. In the morning, you must eat, since you not only get the necessary energy, but also saturate the body for a long time. Your daily diet should include - a hearty breakfast, a full dinner, a light dinner and a couple of snacks. Start eating properly in the morning, and you will notice how in a couple of days you will forget about eating before going to bed. For example, eat yoghurt and a few fruits, then add a bun, nuts, eggs, oatmeal, etc. So, you get used to it and after a while, a hearty breakfast will become the norm.
  2. Need to eat small meals . If you daily eat 5 times a day in small portions, you will not feel hunger at all. As snacks, you can eat nuts, fruits, dairy products.
  3. Feel hungry - drink water . Sometimes the body confuses the feeling of hunger and thirst. Try to drink first water, and then, if you still feel hunger - have a snack. In the evening, drink tea without sugar, milk or kefir. Due to this, the stomach is full and you will not be able to eat much.
  4. The dinner menu should include only light foods . For dinner it is recommended to eat vegetable or fruit salad, cottage cheese or other dairy products. Do not refuse the evening meal, otherwise at night you will want to walk to the fridge.
  5. Go in for sports in the evening . Do some simple exercises, for example, slopes, sit-ups, shake the press, you can go in the evening for a walk or jog. This will help reduce appetite and not think about eating at night.
  6. It is necessary to get rid of stress . If you can not overcome your problems on your own, then consult specialists who will give you useful advice and recommendations.

If you get rid of the habit of eating at night, then after a while you will lose weight, and you will feel fine, a healthy sleep and a good mood will return to you.