How to take Fluconazole?

Fluconazole is a known antifungal agent of a wide spectrum of action. This effective drug has won the trust of many specialists. Know how to take Fluconazole, probably, know all the fair sex. The medicine works very quickly. And if applied correctly, Fluconazole will not give any side effects.

How to take Fluconazole with thrush?

Although with the help of Fluconazole it is possible to treat various fungal diseases, this drug is prescribed most often from thrush. Candidiasis is a very unpleasant female problem, which causes a lot of discomfort. Therefore, get rid of this disease, the fair sex want as soon as possible. Fluconazole helps to achieve the desired result most quickly.

The drug is available in different forms, but mostly doctors recommend buying tablets. For primary treatment of thrush, one 150-mg tablet of fluconazole will be enough. Sometimes for preventive purposes, repeated medication is prescribed after a couple of weeks.

In general, how often you can take Fluconazole, directly depends on the form and stage of the disease. So, for example, with frequent relapses of thrush, you need to drink tablets for two weeks every three days. After that, the dosage of the drug is reduced to one tablet per month. Continue this treatment should not less than six months. And with chronic candidiasis, Fluconazole is only drunk twice - 150 mg after three days.

For the duration of treatment of thrush it is desirable to abstain from sexual intercourse. How to take Fluconazole - before meals or after - it does not matter. Drink tablets preferably with a large amount of purified non-carbonated water. And to get rid of candidiasis for sure, it is advisable to simultaneously treat both sex partners.

How to take Fluconazole with nail fungus and pityriasis?

Fluconazole has established itself as a good tool against diseases such as pityriasis , cryptococcosis, nail fungus. Peregrine lichen is treated for a couple of weeks, while taking 300 mg of fluconazole every seven days. But sometimes the disease recedes after a single use of tablets.

With the fungus of the nail plate, treatment should continue until a new healthy nail grows. Drink Fluconazole follows a 150-milligram tablet once a week. Usually, the drug is taken up to six months. How many exactly will need to take Fluconazole, can only be determined by a specialist - the duration of treatment depends on various individual factors.

Fluconazole and alcohol - how much can I take?

Both alcohol and fluconazole have an extremely negative effect on the liver in particular and the body as a whole. Therefore, doctors do not recommend taking these two substances at the same time.

In addition to the fact that alcohol metabolism is disturbed and the therapeutic effect of Fluconazole is reduced, the patient's state of health may worsen. Appear:

To alcohol does not interfere with treatment, use it at least a day after taking the pill.

How do I take Fluconazole while taking antibiotics?

Very often, fungal infections are joined by bacterial infections. Therefore, combined therapy is not so rare. Since both Fluconazole, and any antibiotics - the substances are very strong, they need to drink only according to the purpose of the specialist. The choice of medicines is carried out very carefully.

It is impossible to finish such a serious treatment course prematurely. Usually antibiotics have to take at least a week.