When do women have menopause?

One day, every woman encounters a period in which radical changes occur in her body, which are associated with the gradual extinction of ovarian function. It is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms: hot flashes, emotional instability, decreased sexual desire, frequent urination, decreased mammary glands, development of osteoporosis, dry eyes and vagina, etc.

Women's menopause in medicine is what precedes menopause, and the above symptoms that characterize it are caused by hormonal changes. The fact is that the ovaries initially have a certain number of follicles on which the onset of pregnancy depends. They are activated throughout life and are an integral part of the menstrual cycle. Normal functioning of the ovaries provides the body with the necessary amount of female hormones: estrogen and progesterone, which support reproductive function. Therefore, when the ovaries fail to function in connection with the depletion of their stock, this primarily affects not only the menstrual cycle, but also the general condition of the woman: this becomes not only an exclusively physiological but also a psycho-emotional transformation.

How does menopause develop in women?

Emotional sphere

The first signs of menopause can be easily confused with neurotic diseases, as there is a constant feeling of fatigue, regardless of the quality and amount of rest, there is irritability, and even in some cases, aggressiveness, as well as emotionally polar states: then joy, extreme sadness or anguish . Behavior during this period may look eccentric, and the character become eccentric.

Because of emotional instability, sleep is disturbed, which affects the general state of health and aggravates all symptoms. As a rule, it is at this time that a woman is capable of radical actions: now quarrels with colleagues and relatives are permissible, since the perception of the world occurs in bright colors. Any careless word from relatives or employees can severely injure a woman.

Because of the risk of nervous disorders in this period it is desirable to observe a neurologist who will help stabilize the emotional sphere.


In connection with the decrease in estrogen, a woman begins to worry about dry skin, and because of the slowing of metabolism begins to gain weight.

During this period many people have such a problem as pressure jumps: this is due to violations of the autonomic nervous system, as well as "hot flushes". Despite the fact that this does not pose any threat to life, women experience these symptoms painfully: there are frequent headaches or dizziness.

Later, other symptoms may also add to the above symptoms: for example, drying out the vaginal mucosa, urinary incontinence and decreased sexual activity. Most of these symptoms occur with the onset of menopause.

When does the climax come?

To say for sure, how many years the climax begins is impossible, since it depends on genetics, the quality of life and the transferred diseases.

In most women, the first signals of menopause appear already in 40 years, and to 45 ovaries begin to work unstably and produce much less estrogen. During this period, menstruation is not systematic, and then completely disappear.

When does the climax end?

In medicine, it is considered that the menopause has ended, if the last menstruation took place more than a year ago. Most often it ends after 56 years: its duration depends, first of all, on when it began, and on when it ended in the mother and grandmother of a woman, since the genetic component plays a big role here.