Benefits of the Perlova

Pearl barley is a whole barley grain that has been processed, during which its outer shell - bran - has been removed. The process of grinding pearl barley takes place about six times so that the entire top layer and all the extra husks have been removed really qualitatively.

The use of pearl barley for the body is simply invaluable. This porridge has a unique set of useful properties, vitamins, minerals and other. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the daily diet along with oatmeal, buckwheat and rice. Consider in more detail the benefit, harm, as well as the calorie content of the pearl barley.

What is the use of pearl barley?

Pearl barley contains a huge amount of useful substances for the body. To begin with, it is rich in proteins, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements and, of course, fiber. Speaking about microelements, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, iodine, bromine, manganese and so on will appear in the pearl barley. By the way, the content of phosphorus pearl barley is among the obvious leaders. But it is phosphorus that is so often lacking in the body! Please note that phosphorus promotes the qualitative absorption of calcium, improves brain activity, as well as metabolism in the body. Also in the pearl bar contains many amino acids . It is worth highlighting among them lysine, which is a powerful antioxidant and, in addition, a source of collagen necessary for healthy and smooth skin.

A lot of benefits of pearl barley is added and a whole range of vitamins contained in it. Vitamin A strengthens nails and hair, improves eyesight and metabolism. Vitamins of group B put in order the nervous system, provide healthy hair and skin. Vitamin D strengthens teeth and bones. In addition, there is in the pearl bar and vitamin E, which improves the appearance of the skin and rejuvenates it.

Systematic eating of pearl barley improves the general condition of your body. All toxins and toxins will be eliminated, immunity will be strengthened, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism will improve. Amino acids, contained in the pearl bar, will facilitate the life of allergic people.

There is a lot of talk about the fact that in addition to the benefits of pearl barbs, there are contraindications, as, allegedly, this porridge is very difficult for the stomach. But scientists have been proved time and again that this is absolutely not so and porridge porridge for the stomach is extremely useful. So it can be safely consumed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, even during periods of exacerbation.

Perlovka - benefit and harm to the figure

Despite the fact that 100 grams of pearl barley contains 320 kilocalories, the pearl barley is a dietary product. Therefore, to maintain the harmony of the shape of a pearl barley is quite suitable. It normalizes the work of the stomach, it will remove all the slag. It should be noted that the pearl bar contains substances that prevent the appearance of fatty deposits. So if you intend to lose weight in a healthy way, without depleting your body with rigid diets, then pearl barley is what you must include in your diet, as it will be extremely useful for your figure.

Pearl barley is often included in diets. For example, the most useful of these is the six-cereal diet. It is designed for one week, during which only six cereals are allowed to be included in the ration: wheat, millet, oat, rice, barley, and pearl. It is in this order that they should be consumed, and on the seventh day of the diet make a mixture of all six cereals. You can eat porridge in food with the addition of fruits, dried fruits , kefir, juice. The only thing that should not be in the diet, so it's sugar and salt. Such a diet will have an excellent effect on health and will save you from slag and extra pounds without a rigid shake for the body.