Alpine aster - growing from seeds

Choosing a beautiful and not requiring a special care plant for his flower garden, a beginner florist must always pay attention to the alpine astra. This unpretentious perennial does not need mega-complex care and at the same time pleases with a lush blossom for a long time. We will talk about the subtleties of growing the alpine astra today.

Alpine aster - cultivation and care

When planning accommodation on the site of the alpine asters, you need to consider the following:

  1. Plant an alpine astra can be both in brightly lit areas, and in the penumbra. The rule is this: the later the flowering period for the chosen grade of alpine asters, the more illuminated should be the place under its planting.
  2. The alpine aster is fairly indifferent to the composition of the soil, feeling equally well both on chernozems and on loams. But most of all it fits loose soil, filled with nutrients and easily flowing through water and air.
  3. Sprinkle an alpine astra with a certain degree of caution, making sure that the soil was wet, but not wet. Destructive for it can be any stagnation of water on the site, because of the excess moisture, the roots and stems of the asters simply rot.
  4. To avoid the formation of fungus on the stems, the alpine aster bush should be placed at intervals of at least 35 cm, thus allowing for normal air circulation.
  5. Propagation of the alpine astra can be both seeds and sprouts. Most often, the second method is used, as it is less time-consuming. In this case, it is not necessary to excavate the asters bush entirely, it is enough only to separate the liked process with the help of a sharp shovel and transplant it to a suitable place.

Alpine aster - growing from seeds

Everyone who wants to grow an alpine astra from seeds should know:

  1. Cultivation of alpine asters from seeds directly in the open ground is practiced only in a region with a fairly warm climate. In the remaining regions, seedlings are grown from seed, which is then planted in a flower garden.
  2. By sowing seeds, asters for seedlings proceed as soon as the sun begins to warm up in spring - in late March or early April.
  3. Sowing seedlings can be in any spacious container - large flower pots or boxes.
  4. Seeds before planting for a few hours soaked in water, and then moistened in a weak solution of potassium permanganate .
  5. Prepared seeds are sown on the surface of the ground, slightly covered with a thin layer of sand or soil.
  6. After the appearance of two leaves, the seedlings are dived in separate pots. It is very convenient to use for this purpose egg trays or yoghurt jars.
  7. 7-10 days after diving, the seedlings of the asters are fed with a strongly diluted complex fertilizer.
  8. In the open ground seedlings are relocated at the end of May, for the first time covering the seedlings with film or paper.