How to avoid miscarriage in the early term?

Women suffering from habitual miscarriage of the fetus are often interested in the question of how to avoid a second miscarriage at an early pregnancy. By habitual miscarriage is understood as 2 or more spontaneous abortions, which occurred in the span of 3 years. The most frequent miscarriage occurs at a period of up to 12 weeks.

How to avoid miscarriage in early pregnancy?

To avoid such violations, as a miscarriage and a frozen pregnancy, you need to know the reasons that lead to their development.

In the first place among the causes are genetic disorders. According to statistics, about 73% of all miscarriages occur precisely for this reason. In most cases, this kind of disease is hereditary. Therefore, in order to prevent their development, pregnant women with genetic disorders are under the constant control of doctors.

Hormonal disorders also often lead to the development of miscarriage. That is why even at the very beginning of pregnancy (ideally - at the planning stage), a blood test for hormones is prescribed. Such a study helps determine their level in the bloodstream, and if necessary, adjust the concentration of these substances by prescribing hormonal drugs.

However, the most difficult, hard to correct, is a violation, such as an immunological conflict, in which it is very difficult to avoid the threat of miscarriage in the early stages. The most common example of such a disorder is Rh-conflict , which develops if the future maternal Rh factor is negative, and the fetus is positive.

It is also worth mentioning that in many cases, sexually transmitted infections result in miscarriage. To avoid abortion for their reasons, it is necessary to undergo a survey at the planning stage. To do this, a woman is assigned laboratory tests, including smears on the microflora, a biochemical blood test.

What should I do if I am diagnosed with habitual miscarriage?

With such a violation, the main issue that worries a woman is whether to avoid a second miscarriage and how to do it. First of all, doctors try to determine the cause of the development of such a violation. The entire therapeutic process is based on the elimination of the factor leading to abortion. So, if it's an infection, then before planning, a woman is prescribed treatment, which includes taking antibacterial drugs.