Cutlets from Hercules

Some people are sure that fried food is extremely useless, so you should eat it as rarely as possible. This is not entirely true. Just need to choose the right ingredients and properly fry.

Fry correctly

To fry food was considered harmless, you should first choose the right oil. We remember simple rules:

  1. In olive oil, do not fry ever - when heated, the beneficial substances in it are destroyed much faster than in other types of oil.
  2. Refined and deodorized oil is left on the shelf in the store - there are at least a minimum of useful substances in it.
  3. We put the food in a well-heated oil - wait for the appearance of a light haze or drop a small piece of onions. As soon as it ran tiny bubbles - the temperature is optimal.
  4. It is even better to fry without oil - in skillettes with non-stick coating, ceramic or grill. When frying, we only need a crust. As soon as she appeared, we take off food and put it in a pan. Then we bake. We get a tasty and harmless dish.

Thus it is possible to prepare remarkably useful cutlets with "Hercules" and minced meat.

Not exactly the usual cutlets



We cook chicken cutlets with "Hercules", they turn out very delicate and juicy, if you use for mincemeat not only the chicken breast, but also the meat from the thighs. You can also grind a piece of chicken fat. "Hercules" is usually sold in large flakes, so we pour a little into the coffee grinder and smash it. Melem not for long - should be friable pieces, and not flour. To the stuffing we add pieces of "Hercules", eggs, salt, freshly ground pepper, spices. Mix everything, put it in a plastic bag and begin to beat. So forcemeat will turn out more viscous, and our cutlets from "Hercules" are more juicy. We form small lozenges and add them to a cutting board or dish. We warm the vegetable oil, we lower the cutlets into it and fry it over a large fire for a couple of minutes on each side. We immediately remove them. Form for baking or a baking sheet slightly grease with melted butter, we spread the cutlets, with the remaining oil we water our cutlets from "Hercules", the recipe implies that they should be soaked with oil when baking. We send the pan to the heated oven and after a quarter of an hour we take out our tender cutlets. We serve them with greens, vegetable salads, you can serve noodles or baked potatoes as a side dish.

Mixed ground meat

If the chicken meat is not at hand or you just do not like chicken cutlets, try to cook the patties from the "Hercules" with onion and grated potato from the pork-beef mince.



We'll tell you how to make cutlets from minced meat and "Hercules" with vegetables. The stuffing we choose is high-quality, but we prefer to buy meat and to grind it ourselves. In a separate bowl, grind the peeled onions and potatoes. We express the juice and mix the meat, vegetables, cereal, eggs. Solim, sprinkle with spices, stir, discourage. We form cutlets and quickly fry them in boiling oil. We move it into a pan and bake it. In this recipe, oil will not be needed - forcemeat from pork and beef and so juicy enough.