The fast food

In the recipes below, we will tell you how to cook lean soup properly so that they do not yield to variations of the dish with meat. To prepare this dish, you can use both fresh and sauerkraut, supplementing it with other vegetables, and if desired, with beans or mushrooms.

Fresh cabbage soup with beans



Preparing the cabbage soup, we get rid of the skins and cut the potato tubers into cubes, load it into a pan, fill it with water and put it on the stove. After boiling, add laurel leaves, fragrant pepper peas, let it boil for ten minutes, and lay the cabbage chopped in during this time. We cook another twenty minutes. At the same time, we clean and shred the onion bulb with cubes, and carrot with straw, cut the cleaned garlic cloves with plates and proceed to prepare the frying. Warm up the frying pan with the refined oil and lay the onion first, and after three minutes, half the garlic and carrots. Fry the vegetables until soft, add the tomato paste and stand on the fire, stirring, for another two minutes.

Now we put the canned beans in a pan with vegetables, the second half of garlic, lay out the frying pan, add the dish to taste and add the desired spices, if desired, and then boil another couple of minutes, and turn off the plate. After the cabbage soup is infused under the lid for fifteen minutes, we serve them to a table with fresh herbs.

By the same technology, you can cook lean soup from fresh cabbage with mushrooms, replacing them with beans. For this purpose, dried mushrooms are especially suitable, which we soak for the beginning, and then boil in the water, which is then used to prepare soup as broth. Cooked mushrooms can be fried in addition with carrots and onions or simply cut and add instead of beans.

Salad soup from sauerkraut - recipe



To prepare sauerkraut sauerkraut in warmed with half a vegetable oil frying pan, fry for seven minutes, stirring, and then pour a little water and poured, covering the container cover, for thirty to forty minutes with moderate heat. During this time we fill the potato tubers, which have been removed from the skins and diced with cubes, with filtered water and placed on the cooker. Add to the pan also laurel leaves and peas of sweet pepper. After fifteen minutes, when the potato slices are soft, we put the braised sauerkraut and let it boil again. Onions and carrots are cleaned, shredded finely and wessed until soft on the remaining vegetable oil, adding at the end of frying chopped pepper and tomato paste.

We spread carrots with onion, pepper and tomato in a pan to the rest of the ingredients, throw the chopped garlic cloves, fill the dish to taste with salt and boil in the smallest heat for another five minutes. We give a ready-made dish to brew for ten minutes and serve, seasoning with fresh herbs.