Inflammation of the urethra in women - symptoms

Inflammation of the urethra in women implies a separate disease, called urethritis . Often representatives of the weaker sex do not even suspect that their urethra has become inflamed. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of urethral inflammation in women are much weaker than in men, due to anatomical features. The pronounced symptomatology of the disease is present in the parallel development of cystitis - as a consequence of the penetration of the infection first into the urethra, then into the bladder. But nevertheless, the inflammation of the urethra with a careful attitude to your body, makes itself felt with the help of the following symptoms:

Symptoms of inflammation of the urethra in women often arise after a short time after sexual intercourse.

Inflammation of the urethra in women - treatment

Despite the mild manifestation of the disease, inflammation of the urethra in women can not be ignored. Since the main causative agent of the disease is an infection, in the absence of adequate treatment, has the property to spread to all organs of the genitourinary system. In the course of treatment of inflammation of the urethra in women, antibiotic therapy is mandatory, and drugs are also used to:

A special diet and personal hygiene are recommended.