Sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking - recipes most useful and tasty preservation

Many berries are famous for their medicinal properties, and in order to preserve them, cooks use the method of harvesting without heat treatment. The sea buckthorn is very popular for the winter without cooking, its recipes are very diverse, it can be preserved in the form of jam, juice, syrup, jelly.

How to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking?

There are many recipes that allow you to stock yourself with berries in kind, without much effort being spent. Procurement of sea-buckthorn for the winter without cooking is carried out in the following ways:

  1. The cut berries, together with the branches, can be laid one to one on a uniform surface and placed in a cold place where the temperature is kept constant from 0 to 4 degrees. In this arrangement the sea-buckthorn will not spoil until the spring.
  2. Excellent preserved sea buckthorn along with sugar, you need to adhere to a ratio of 1: 1. Spilled berries with sugar should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 degrees. Later, sea buckthorn can be used as an ingredient for compotes and various warm drinks.
  3. Undisturbed berries of sea buckthorn can be stored for a long time in water. To do this, you need to harvest and spread it over sterilized jars with boiled water at room temperature. The banks should be closed and put in the refrigerator. Before such storage it is possible not to wash berries.
  4. The ideal place to store sea buckthorn will be a freezer, you can put the berries in containers and put in this cold place. In winter, if necessary, you can take the right amount of berries and add them to compote or tea.

Jam from sea-buckthorn without cooking

Seabuckthorn can be harvested without heat treatment, while retaining most of the useful properties. In this way, jam from sea-buckthorn is prepared for the winter without cooking. The advantage is that it will require a minimum of components: berries and sugar, on their basis, you can create a delicious treat, which will please all members of the family.



  1. Take whole berries, rinse them and dry them.
  2. Cover the berries with sugar and leave for a few hours to separate the juice.
  3. Banks sterilize and top up with jam.
  4. Banks screwed with lids, raw jam from sea buckthorn put in the refrigerator.

Sea-buckthorn with honey for the winter without cooking

When harvesting berries you can double their medicinal properties, if you use this method of cooking as sea buckthorn with honey without cooking. This component can replace sugar, and then the product will not only be a delicious treat, but also an assistant in the fight against various colds.



  1. Wash and dry berries. Grind them with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Prepared berries mixed with honey.
  3. The useful mixture is spread over the jars and clogged with lids, stored in a cool place.

Juice from sea-buckthorn for the winter without cooking

Useful berries can be prepared not only in the form of jam, very popular is the sea buckthorn juice with sugar without cooking. It is extremely easy to make, and it can be stored for a long time, bottled or bottled. The juice can be given a stunning sweet and sour taste, using sugar and citric acid.



  1. Pour the berries with water so that all the garbage is on the surface, and rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Grind the berries with a blender, add sugar and acid, and then grind again. If the mixture is acidic, you can still add sugar.
  3. Wipe the mass through a sieve to separate the cake from the juice.
  4. Store juice in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn syrup without cooking

Many desserts and drinks can be diversified if you add syrup from sea-buckthorn to the winter without cooking. It can and simply dissolve in water, for the preparation of a vitamin drink you need 2 tablespoons of syrup per 1 glass. In winter, with the help of concentrated syrup, a healthy and tasty mors is cooked.



  1. Rinse the sea-buckthorn thoroughly, remove all garbage and put it on a colander to allow all the glass liquid.
  2. Squeeze out the berries juice with a crush and pour through gauze.
  3. Sugar is poured 2 times more than the resulting juice.
  4. Next, it is necessary to mix the syrup well, the sugar can dissolve within 24 hours, so periodic stirring is required.
  5. Spill the syrup over the bottles, it can be stored even at room temperature.

Seabuckthorn with orange without cooking

Beneficial effect on the body renders sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking, combined with orange. These two components can be prepared in the form of jam, juice, syrup or jelly. The undoubted advantage of recipes is that very little time and effort is expended on their preparation.



  1. Rinse the sea buckthorn. Cover the berries in a saucepan and add sugar to them.
  2. Stir the mixture and let it brew to isolate the juice.
  3. The orange is peeled, squeezed out of the juice and added to the sea-buckthorn.
  4. The products should be mixed and distributed over prepared cans, stored in a cool place.

Raw jelly from sea-buckthorn

Lovers of delicious desserts will be able to make jelly from the sea ​​buckthorn juice without cooking, completely filled with all the healing properties that are present in this berry. This dish contains a huge amount of serotonin, which helps to prolong youth, and vitamin E, which acts as a firming agent for hair, nails and skin.



  1. Peel the berries and rinse them with cold water.
  2. Well dry the berries and pass through a meat grinder, then wipe through a sieve.
  3. In the prepared banks to lay out puree from sea-buckthorn and add sugar.
  4. Mix well the preform until the sugar is completely separated. After it is covered with a lid, and put in the refrigerator.

Drying the sea-buckthorn for the winter

Some mistresses are stocked with sea-buckthorn, drying berries, then from them you can cook compotes. In the process of drying, the following rules apply:

  1. To dry the berries are collected before the frost, so that weather conditions can not spoil the appearance of the sea-buckthorn.
  2. After that, you should wash the berries and dry them in the street, but in the shade, not under the sun itself.
  3. In the street, it will not be possible to completely dry the berries, so further drying of the sea-buckthorn in the electric dryer or in the oven at a low temperature of +40 degrees is carried out.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter?

Mistresses who are interested in how to freeze sea buckthorn with twigs can do this in two ways:

  1. The first option is to arrange the dried berries on plastic containers. It is advisable to close the container only after 2 days, when the berries will freeze well.
  2. If freezing takes place in cellophane bags, the fruits are distributed in a thin layer. To place them in the freezer, you need to choose a place where they will not be shifted once before using them.
  3. The second method is laying on a tray and applying deep freezing. This option eliminates the gluing of berries, after a few hours they can be shifted to a more comfortable container. In the future, when using, you can scoop berries in the right amount, when they are separated there will be no difficulties.

Seared sea buckthorn with sugar frozen

Another way to freeze sea ​​buckthorn for the winter is to wipe the berries and mix them with sugar. The resulting mixture can be used as a delicious treat or used as a remedy to help with certain diseases. Shredded sea buckthorn will retain their useful properties for up to 3 months.



  1. Clear sea buckthorn and rub with sugar until uniform. This process can be carried out using a mortar or using modern instruments.
  2. The resulting mashed potatoes should be spread out according to the shapes for ice or cupcakes.
  3. Seabuckthorn, wiped with sugar without cooking, after complete freezing is transferred to a bag and stored in the freezer.