Medications from mastopathy

Mastopathy is a fairly common female disease, which depends little on the woman's age. With mastopathy, there is a degeneration of breast tissue, which leads to the appearance of a benign tumor.

To date, there are many known medicines for mastopathy. But only a qualified specialist, after a thorough examination of the mammary glands, can correctly select the necessary medications for mastopathy.

What medications should I treat mastopathy?

Depending on the stage and course of the disease, these or other drugs are prescribed. Consider the most popular and effective medications for mastopathy.

Non-hormonal preparations:

  1. Vitamins (A, E, group B) and iodine-containing preparations.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve inflammation and swelling of the mammary glands.
  3. Sedatives (sedative collection, motherwort, valerian caste, peony).
  4. Homeopathy (Remens, Mastodinon , Mastiol, Mastopol) - eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve overall health.
  5. Phytotherapy (herb yarrow, St. John's wort, horsetail, nettle, etc.) - help to normalize the metabolism and generally strengthen the immune system.
  6. Easy diuretics - reduce swelling.

Hormonal preparations:

  1. Oral contraceptives (Jeanine, Marvelon). The drugs are aimed at normalizing the hormonal background.
  2. Histogens (Progestogen, Duphaston, Utrozhestan, etc.). Medications on the basis of progesterone, muffle painful sensations.
  3. Drugs that reduce the synthesis of prolactin (Parlodead).
  4. Antiestrogens (Tamoxifen, Froleston). Apply a course of several months.
  5. Androgens (Methyltestosterone, Danazol). The basis of drugs - male sex hormones, have a number of side effects, so they are prescribed for complex forms of mastopathy.
  6. Antogonists (Zoladex) - provoke the artificial onset of menopause.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed by the attending physician on the basis of data on the hormonal status of a woman. Self-medication can lead to irreparable results.

But it should be understood that the treatment of mastopathy with medicines is not a panacea. It should be more rest, avoid injuries of the mammary glands, monitor nutrition and strengthen immunity in every possible way. The list of medicines from mastopathy will not give the expected result, if there is no qualitative change in the whole way of life of a woman. Only an integrated approach can ensure the full recovery of the female body.