Flax seeds for weight loss with yogurt

This is a well-known means for weight loss. But before using the method, you should find out about its contraindications, as well as how to properly use flax seeds with kefir for weight loss. Such an approach will help not only to reduce weight, but also to save health.

How to take flax seeds with yogurt?

First, let's read the list of contraindications. This method can not be used by those who have at least one of the following diseases:

Now let's discuss how to prepare a remedy. You need to take 1 tsp. seeds and pour them 1 cup kefir . Each week, it is necessary to increase the content of flax seeds by 1 tsp, while the amount of fermented milk product remains the same.

It is worth noting that the product more effectively helps to lose weight in the case when a person at least 5-10% reduces the total calorie intake and increases its activity during the day, for example, by walking.

How to drink flax seeds with yogurt?

Experts recommend using this tool for a month. Thus it is necessary to observe some rules. First, the number of seeds should not exceed 50 g; secondly, if a person begins to feel discomfort, for example, stomach pains or increased gas production, the course should be interrupted.

Seeds of flax and yogurt are consumed at night. Do this no less than 2 hours before bedtime. Drinking tea or coffee after taking a sour-milk drink is prohibited, but water can be afforded if thirst arises.

Many people who have tried this method say that the results have surpassed all their expectations. Appetite decreased, the condition of hair and nails improved significantly, and excess weight went without a return.