Cahors - useful properties

Fine wine Cahors, like many other wines, is an invention of the French. The birthplace of this wine was the city of Cahors, in which they learned how to process grape clusters in a special way. For three years the young wine has aged in large oak barrels, after which it was drunk with great pleasure.

Cigar wine was imported to us under Peter I. To make the drink stronger, alcohol was used when it was used, and wine in this form was to taste, so the production of cahors was established on an industrial scale. People also noticed that this wine with a pleasant sweetish-tart taste can heal not only the soul, but also the body. With its thick consistency and color, it resembles blood. This is what served as the fact that it was used in church rites.

Composition of Cahors wine

The original Cahors is a dry wine, while the domestic one belongs to fortified beverages. The consumer and taste characteristics of this drink directly depend on the chemical composition. That is why special requirements are imposed on the composition of Cagor wine, both foreign and domestic. So, in the composition of this wine, sugar should contain 18-25%, and alcohol - not less than 16%.

It is interesting that the Russian Orthodox Church is considered the main consumer of domestic Cahors wine. Especially for church rituals, a special kind of wine is produced - the canonical Cahors. Its composition is different in that it uses pure grape alcohol to increase the strength of the drink, as well as it lacks sugar, extracts of herbs, water and starch-waste alcohol.

What is useful Cahors?

Thanks to the fact that in the preparation of this wine is added scented medicinal herbs, the benefit of Cahors lies in its ability to destroy a variety of pathogenic microbes, including the E. coli, the causative agent of cholera. Cahors have been used for a long time as a strengthening immunity, a remedy. Drink it is recommended in small portions, adding natural liquid honey and aloe.

The useful properties of Cahors wine include the high content of vitamins in it, including the vitamin PP, as well as a fairly rare trace element of rubidium, which has the ability to remove harmful radionuclides from the body.

Cahors help to regulate digestion, helps to reduce body weight. Do not deny yourself the pleasure after a meal to drink one glass of wine. This is especially true if you eat meat and other "heavy" foods. This drink contains choleretic substances and microelements that regulate insulin levels, and excess weight is often associated with it. Cahors also contain substances that enhance secretion, maintaining normal gastric acidity and normalizing the endocrine system.

The useful properties of Cahors are confirmed by scientists. They say that if you drink a glass of red wine a day, you can improve the digestive system, regulate metabolism , cleanse intestinal slag, and reduce the likelihood of kidney formation kidney stones.

Preparing medicinal drinks based on Cahors, you can get rid of many ailments.

The harm of cahors

Despite all the benefits of Cahors, it can bring harm to the body, if it is used excessively, or when mixed with other alcoholic beverages. Wine is useful only with its moderate use. The amount of safe reception individually for each person, but it is believed that the daily intake of this drink for men is 250 g, women are enough 150 grams.