Platelets in Pregnancy

Platelets are blood cells in the form of blood plates that form in the red bone marrow. The main function of platelets is to participate in the processes of blood coagulation and stop bleeding. Platelets are of great importance in nonspecific protection of the human body.

In pregnancy, the platelet count in the woman's blood plays an important role. Minor fluctuations in their values ​​around normal indices do not cause fear, but strong deviations can lead to serious problems.

The number of platelets in the blood of a pregnant woman is determined by giving a general blood test.

The norm of thrombocytes in a non-pregnant woman is an amount of 150-400 thousand / μl. The norm of the content of thrombocytes in pregnant women differs from this value by 10-20%. Oscillations within these values ​​in one direction or another are normal for pregnancy phenomenon.

Usually the number of platelets during the bearing of the child varies ambiguously, because everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of each woman.

Decreased platelet count during pregnancy

Slight decrease in platelet count may depend on the fact that their life span decreases and their consumption in the peripheral circulation increases, since the volume of the liquid component of blood in the body of a pregnant woman is growing.

Decrease in platelet levels below normal in pregnancy is called thrombocytopenia. Reduction of platelets in the blood during pregnancy manifests itself by the rapid appearance and long preservation of bruises, bleeding. The causes of thrombocytopenia can be factors such as immune disorders, chronic bleeding, poor nutrition of women.

A significant decrease in platelets during pregnancy leads to an increased risk of developing bleeding during childbirth. Especially dangerous is immune thrombocytopenia, as the risk of internal bleeding in the child is increased. When the level of platelets during pregnancy is much lower than normal, the doctor most often makes a decision about cesarean section.

Increase in the number of platelets in pregnancy

If the pregnancy is increased platelets, then this condition is called hyperthrombocythemia.

The situation when the level of platelets during pregnancy rises above the normalized values, is usually associated with blood thickening due to dehydration due to inadequate drinking, diarrhea, or vomiting . Less often this state is caused by genetic failures. The increased number of platelets in pregnant women is dangerous due to arterial and venous thrombosis, which pose a danger to the life of both mother and her baby. In such situations, doctors have to interrupt pregnancy.

Therefore, the number of platelets during pregnancy is constantly monitored. The last time it is done immediately before childbirth to avoid the risk of complications due to bleeding disorders.