Pastila - recipe

At present it is difficult to find a really natural pastille, made without the addition of all kinds of harmful additives. Accordingly, not only the composition, but also the taste qualities of this sweetness is not the same.

We recommend you to prepare a delicious apple pasta, using the tips below and you can recall the very original long-forgotten taste.

Belevskaya apple pasta at home - recipe



To prepare the beleaf or, as it is also called, Kolomenskoe pastilles according to this recipe, my apples, get rid of the core, pedicels and pelts, put in a roasting dish or on a baking sheet and place for fifteen minutes in a heated oven. The temperature regime is maintained at 180 degrees. After this, let the baked apples cool slightly and grind through a sieve.

Now add to the apple puree half of the total amount of granulated sugar and break with a mixer until whitening. This process is long and depending on the power of the device can take from fifteen to thirty minutes. Some experts in the preparation of pastilles recommend to continue whisking for an hour. But if you managed to achieve a whitish mass in a shorter time, then this can be limited.

The next important stage is next. It is also necessary to beat egg whites to dense and stable peaks. Shortly before the completion of the whipping process, pour the remaining granulated sugar to the proteins and continue the process until all the crystals have dissolved. It is possible, for convenience, to replace sugar with a corresponding amount of powdered sugar. So to achieve homogeneity will be much easier.

Now mix apple and egg whipped weight and about four tablespoons are put in a bowl.

The remaining mixture is distributed on a sheet of parchment, pre-laying it on a baking tray, and put in a slightly opened oven, adjusting it to a temperature of 100 degrees. After seven hours of drying, we separate the mass from the parchment leaf, if necessary, moistening it a little, cut the layer into three equal rectangles and stack them on top of each other, promazyvaya between the layers left the protein-apple mixture. We place the paste for another couple of hours in a slightly opened oven at the same temperature. After that, the finished cooled snack is rubbed on all sides with powdered sugar.