Werlhof's disease

Werlhof's disease - thrombocytopenic purpura - a disease manifested in the form of hemorrhagic effusions against the background of increased aggregation (gluing) of platelets. Formed microthrombi clog the lumens of small arteries. In addition, there is a melting of blood cells and a decrease in the number of platelets.

Causes of Werlhof's Disease

Currently, the exact causes of thrombocytopenic purpura are not known. Allocate primary and secondary forms of Verlhof's disease. Primary forms are hereditary in nature or manifest as a result of an infectious disease. Secondary forms have signs of a number of diseases.

Symptoms of Verlhof's Disease

The disease begins acutely, for no apparent reason, sometimes against the background of intestinal infections or ARI. In the patient at the initial stage, the following characteristic symptoms are noticeable:

The main sign is bruises and subcutaneous hemorrhages, which explains the second name of the disease - thrombocytopenic purpura.

After a short time, the hemorrhagic syndrome manifests itself especially in the form of:

Hemorrhagic manifestations are accompanied by neurological disorders, such as:

In severe cases, it is possible to develop a coma.

Hemorrhages under the skin become extensive and occupy a large area. Depending on the prescription, effusions have a color from red-brown to yellow (like an old bruise).

Diagnosis of Verlhof's disease begins with a patient's examination and anamnesis. The diagnostic complex includes the following tests:

  1. The general analysis of a blood (OAK). The disease is determined by reducing the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, reducing the number of platelets and detecting antiplatelet antibodies.
  2. Sternary puncture - taking a bone marrow for examination by means of a sternum puncture. In the study of the cell composition, an increase in the number of megakaryocytes, a minimal number of platelets, are found, while there are no other changes in the bone marrow, for example, those that are characteristic of tumor formations.
  3. Trepanobiopsy - a study of the bone marrow with the periosteum and bone (from the pelvic region), taken with the help of a medical device of trephine. With Verlhof's disease, the ratio of the fatty and hematopoietic bone marrow corresponds to the norm.

Treatment of Verlhof's Disease

Therapeutic measures depend on the course of the disease. Treatment is carried out by one of the following methods:

  1. The use of corticosteroids for the purpose of arresting hemorrhagic syndrome and increasing the level of platelets in the blood. Prednisalon is prescribed at a rate of 1 mg per 1 kg of patient weight per day. In case of a serious course of the disease, the dose is doubled.
  2. If the proper effect was not achieved, the patient is recommended to remove the spleen . According to medical statistics, in 80% of patients after surgical intervention complete recovery is observed.
  3. In rare cases, after spleen splenectomy, bleeding passes, and the disease remains, immunosuppressants are prescribed (Azathioprine, Vincristine) and glucocosteroids.

To remove the external symptoms of hemorrhagic syndrome, haemostatic agents are used: