Wise woman

Very often we confuse the concepts of wisdom and mind. A wise woman and a clever woman are not exactly the same. A smart woman sometimes finds it difficult to hide her mind when necessary (yes, and this happens). The mind is connected with logic, and wisdom is not always. The wisdom of a woman lies deeper than the human mind, this is the secret knowledge that she receives with her mother's milk, and who accumulate an age-old experience in relationships. It is not for nothing that the ancient Eastern proverb says: "Women are scientists by nature, men are from books". Perhaps you thought that a wise woman needed to be born. To some extent, it is true, however, this does not mean that you can not use the secrets that a wise woman has used for centuries.

Let's talk about what is the wisdom of a woman: in a relationship, building a family and a happy life. What gives the right to be called a wise woman, and how to become it.

Secrets and rules of a wise woman

  1. One of the main principles is: a wise woman does not choose a man with the prospect of changing it. You can redo the dress (and then, a very risky undertaking), but you can change a person only one way - changing yourself. A wise woman loves herself, knowing that both the dress is the right size and the man with the right qualities.
  2. The second secret of a wise woman is not to take dirty linen from a hut. She understands that, while militating friends against her husband, she strikes herself, because the family is one thing.
  3. A wise woman loves and accepts herself. Her desire for excellence is not a struggle, but a means of recognizing one's love for oneself.
  4. A wise woman does not always show her mind, she knows how to use the main weapon - weakness, and does not go on about hormones. She knows at what times to wait, and at what times to act. She almost never relies on the guilt of a man, knowing that love and respect are of great value.
  5. A wise woman does not stint on gratitude, not taking all the wonderful qualities as a given. Next to such a man blossoms, feeling himself fit. And sincere admiration inspires him to new deeds.
  6. A wise woman does not dissolve in her man. She understands that, when dissolved, sugar makes tea sweeter, but nobody remembers it. A wise woman always remains an interesting person: for her husband, and for others, and, first of all, for herself.
  7. A wise woman does not devote herself to children. She understands what should be an example of a happy and realized person for them. As a mother she aspires to be an interesting person and for her children.
  8. A wise woman, this is the one they are talking about - the "neck". Wherever turns, there looks and "head" (husband). Such a woman is able to push her husband to the decisions so that he does not notice any pressure from her side.
  9. A wise woman understands that a man sometimes needs to be alone. Usually the girls are capricious, feeling that the husband is supposedly moving away from them. They try to meet, resenting, if a man does not want to discuss the reasons. How behaves wise a woman: she knows how to wait, knowing that a man sometimes closes in himself, and is silent not because his wife does not care about him, but because he sincerely does not want to put on his fragile shoulders the burden of his problems. A wise woman appreciates this.
  10. As a wise person, she understands that both in relationships and in work, the main thing is not to show her superiority, but to be able to create around an atmosphere of love and comfort.

A woman must be wise to be happy. The mind does not always lead to happiness, but wisdom is the way to it! And how wonderful that a wise woman is not forbidden to be a little fool!