Jam from a dogrose

This material is about how to properly cook jam from rose hips for the winter. The resulting harvest will not just be a delicious treat, which is appropriate to serve tea, but also strengthen immunity, help cope with colds and many other ailments.

How to brew jam from a dogrose for the winter?



The most laborious stage in the entire process of preparing jam from rose hips is the purification of the fruit. Therefore, we reserve ourselves with patience and proceed. We cut off initially the tails and stems, cut the briar along in half and scrub all the seeds. Now the resulting blanks must be thoroughly washed in several waters and once again under running water, while washing away all the villi.

Further, before mixing the halves of the dogrose with sugar, you must pre-boil them for five minutes, and then pass the ice water. Such a shock therapy will make the skin of the fruit softer.

The prepared dogrose is mixed with sugar and water, put on the fire, let it boil with continuous stirring, and boil for five minutes. Leave the treat cool and insist for seven hours, and then repeat the procedure two more times. Finally, we pack the useful and delicious treats on sterile, dry containers, seal them sealed and put them under a "coat" for gradual slow cooling.

It is most convenient to cook jam without seeds from the fruits of sea rose. His berries are larger and more fleshy, which greatly simplifies their preliminary preparation and cleaning. In addition, sea dog rose has a more intense taste and aroma, which greatly improves the quality of the ready-made delicacy.

Jam with rose hips



If the dogrose intended for cooking jam is shallow and there is absolutely no desire to waste time extracting seeds, it is possible to make a blank from whole fruits. In this case, we remove them from the stems and tails, pour hot syrup, brewed from water and sugar, and leave for cooling and infusion for seven hours. After that, we let the stock boil, cook for five minutes and leave this time for twelve hours. After a lapse of time, we again put the jam with the jam on the hotplate of the plate, add lemon juice to taste and boil the delicacy before purchasing the desired consistency.

Hot spill jam from rose hips with bones on sterilized jars, we seal them tightly and turn the bottom up to the full cooling, having wrapped the container in addition with a warm blanket.

Jam from rose hips with honey and sea-buckthorn



Improbably useful is jam from rose hips with the addition of sea-buckthorn and honey. In this case, the seeds from the dog rose are still better to remove, then rinse the halves carefully, washing all the villi. Seabuckthorn can be used whole by simply washing the berries and scalding them with boiling water, or grind it in a blender and additionally grate it with a strainer, getting rid of pits.

Now mix in a pot prepared dogrose, sea buckthorn and honey, pour a little water and put the workpiece on the stove. We let the contents boil with continuous stirring, after which we boil it for about fifteen minutes. Immediately hot pack ready jam on sterile packaging. We sealed the hermetically sealed containers with sterile caps, turned the bottom upwards and wrapped thoroughly for additional sterilization until completely cooled.