Lemon for weight loss

As you know, a lemon is an excellent remedy for a cold. And yet - the most valuable source of vitamin C. It is not for nothing that it is used in the composition of cold remedies. However, not only is this the benefit of lemon. It turns out that the fruit of the lemon tree can help us in the difficult struggle against excess weight.

Does lemon help you lose weight?

What is useful lemon for weight loss? After all, we are accustomed to consider it an anti-cold medication. Lemon contains substances that break down fats, pectin normalizes blood sugar, and improves metabolism . Vitamin C raises immunity, protects against colds. So, the lemon diet to everything else will strengthen immunity. Yes, it's difficult to call a diet. You continue to eat in the usual way and do not even notice a change in the diet. If it's over, your diet was not entirely smoked and roasted.

If you want to lose weight with lemons, you need to adhere to certain rules:

The use of lemon is recommended for two weeks. But, if you do not feel the discomfort, you can regularly practice this vitamin cocktail in the morning. However, if you feel the slightest discomfort in the stomach, the lemon should be discarded. Since an important restriction refers specifically to problems with the mucosa - ulcers, gastritis , and increased acidity of the stomach. In this case, you better choose a different diet.

How to lose weight on lemons?

Lemon for weight loss is used in combination with a normal diet. Of course, if you want, you can arrange a day off for a single lemon drink. But this can be done with a very healthy stomach. With the standard and most recommended diet regime, you need to include the lemon in your regular diet and limit yourself to small rules. There are products that we need to include in the diet, and there are products that need to be discarded.

We include in the diet:

Exclude from the diet:

Fundamental rules:

And where is the lemon? - you ask. That's right now we have come to the most important thing. Lemon for weight loss, whose recipes are very simple, useful to us in any form. Even the lemon peel will go to use. Every day we need one whole lemon. In the morning, on an empty stomach it is necessary to drink a glass of juice of a whole lemon, diluted with warm drinking water. Lemon peel is not thrown away, but three on a grater. This "spice" is added to all dishes: salads, soups, porridges, to fish, to meat. You can add during cooking, or sprinkle a ready-made dish. The latter, of course, is preferable. In addition to the peel, you can add lemon juice to the dishes. For example, it's very tasty and tasty to pour lemon juice on fish dishes. In general, at every opportunity, add to the dish a lemon in any form.

Such a diet will help to lose up to 10 kg within two weeks, provided that all the rules of rational nutrition are observed. Just do not forget, lemon diet will be beneficial only if the acidity of your stomach is not increased and there are no digestive problems.