Runny nose during pregnancy - 2 trimester

Runny nose in pregnancy is common. And not always the reason for the appearance of such discharge from the nose is the immunity weakened by the new state of the body. There are other factors that can provoke nasal congestion for the entire duration of pregnancy. But, despite the reasons that caused the runny nose, such a disease gives some discomfort and inconvenience not only to the young mother, but also to her baby. This is why it is necessary to relieve this condition, so that the baby is well in the mother's tummy.

It often happens that even before a woman becomes aware of pregnancy, she has a nose. And this condition can accompany her with the entire period of pregnancy, besides, it can be not just a weak discharge from the nose, but a strong cold. This phenomenon is called a vasomotor rhinitis or a so-called "popular" common cold of pregnancy. Such symptoms are caused by hormonal changes that can provoke swelling of the nasal mucosa during rhinitis of pregnant women .

Coryza of this type often appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes the trimester can "please" the woman with a runny nose during pregnancy. Passes such "happiness" usually only after childbirth, so a special treatment does not require a runny nose. But still you need to try to facilitate breathing, using safe methods and means.

Is the rhinitis dangerous during pregnancy?

For the future mother, the runny nose is not dangerous. But for a baby who is in the womb, oxygen starvation is not necessary. After all, if there is insufficient intake of fresh air into the body, the baby will feel bad and may not be born healthy.

How to cure a runny nose in a pregnant woman?

If the pregnancy of a future mother had a runny nose, and sneezing does not give a normal breathing, then you need to turn to a specialist for help. Because if you do not know what to do with a runny nose during pregnancy, then the doctor will definitely advise you something.

Sometimes in pregnancy there is a runny nose with blood. This is due to the fact that the nasal mucosa dries up excessively, and tiny vessels burst, and the mucous membrane itself is irritated. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly lubricate the nose with a special moisturizer, for example, tetracycline ointment. Also it is necessary to clean passages with the help of acupressure, rinsing the nose with saline solutions and so on. Do not delay the visit to the doctor, because this can be fraught with consequences.