Treatment of a cold in children with folk remedies

Each baby in the first year of life encounters such an unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa with mucus secretion often brings the child inconveniences: shortness of breath, inability to eat properly mother's milk. In addition, the common cold may be a symptom of an allergic or infectious disease, or an independent disease.

Often an abundant discharge of mucus from the nose appears after the baby has become supercooled or as a result of infection with the virus. Although snot and seem a non-serious disease, they still need to be treated. Many mothers prefer treating the common cold in a child with folk remedies, since medications, in general, narrow the blood vessels, but do not eliminate the cause. This can only aggravate the state of health of the baby, because a serious disease will not disappear anywhere, unlike the symptoms.

Treatment of common cold with folk remedies

Ancient folk recipes from the common cold were known even before a lot of special preparations appeared on the shelves of pharmacies. After all, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were treated in some way by babies? We offer several proven folk remedies that will relieve your child of snot rather quickly.

If a runny nose appears in the baby, then folk remedies should be used with caution, because the baby's reaction to unfamiliar substances can be very unpredictable. For children up to one year, freshly prepared beet, carrot juice can be dripped two or three times a day in each nasal pass diluted in half with boiled water. If the baby resists, put in his nostrils cottonwood turuns, pre-impregnated with beet juice. This procedure should be done three times a day. There is a widespread opinion that the cold relieves mother's milk from the cold, which drips into the nose, but we strongly recommend not doing this, as it is practically impossible to provide absolute sterility, and milk is an ideal medium for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.

Older children will get rid of green snot such a folk remedy, like garlic. The suppressed head of garlic should be poured with purified sunflower or olive oil, insist 10-12 hours. Garlic oil on 2 drops in a nostril to drip twice a day. A slight burning is normal, after a few minutes it passes. Juice of onions or garlic, diluted 1: 1 with water, is an excellent folk remedy if the snot in a child is very thick and viscous, which indicates the presence of infection. A little natural antiseptic honey can be added to the solution.

Aloe - an indispensable and popular plant, used for the popular treatment of the common cold in children, who celebrated their first birthday. Aloe juice is mixed with honey (1: 1) and dripped into the nose before the baby falls asleep. Just remember, the plant should not be less than three years old.

Procedures that relieve coryza

Do not forget also that the treatment of the common cold in children with folk remedies is not limited to digging up the nasal passages. With this trouble helps to cope with warming up. As compresses, you can use cooked millet porridge, hard-boiled chicken eggs and ordinary salt. Just be careful not to burn the baby. "Filler" for a compress wrap in a napkin made of cotton and place in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

Well recommended baths for legs with the addition of mustard powder (tablespoon of mustard per liter of water). Steamed feet quickly wipe and put on woolen socks. If the baby does not mind, put mustard in them and let them sleep until morning.


To allow the nozzles to breathe freely, eat more vitamin-containing foods (if breastfeeding), walk more often and moisten the air in the child's room.

Be healthy!