Cucumber-kefir diet

Cucumber-kefir diet is one of the most popular summer diets. The products that form the basis of the diet have a neutral taste, are very accessible and have many useful properties that positively affect the body.

Cucumber and yogurt: useful properties

The most important property of kefir is an easy laxative effect and the ability to restore the intestinal microflora. Kefir produces a kind of internal cleansing of the body, which allows you to lose weight in front of your eyes. In addition, kefir is effective in controlling slags, and a clean organism always has a faster metabolism.

In addition, kefir is rich in proteins, and the diet on such components will be relatively balanced and not too stressful for the body.

Cucumbers, for their part, have an easy diuretic effect, which occurs due to the large amount of liquid contained in them. Thus, the body is thoroughly cleansed, which in itself is incredibly useful.

Cucumber-kefir diet: caloric value

Cucumbers with kefir for weight loss are useful in that they have low caloric content. For example, 1% kefir - only 36 calories per 100 grams, and in cucumbers - only 15 calories per 100 grams. Thus, even eating a whole kilogram of cucumbers a day and drinking a liter of kefir, your body receives only 360 + 150 = 510 calories! Taking into account that during the diet you will not be hungry, weight loss will be very effective. It is also pleasant that the products can be eaten individually or together, making a cold soup made of yogurt and cucumber, reminiscent of okroshka.

Diet: yogurt and cucumber

Cucumber-kefir diet is incredibly simple and pleasant, and most importantly, absolutely eliminates the need for anything to cook. Of course, for the sake of variety, you can make a cold soup from kefir with cucumber and greens, but if you are lazy, you can eat whole cucumbers and drink with kefir.

The main provisions of the diet:

Such a diet can be observed for 3-5 days. If you feel bad, your head is dizzy, probably this system does not suit you and you should not continue it. However, if you do everything according to instructions, this should not happen to you.

To a diet you need to prepare, 3 days before it began to drink kefir at night and eat cucumbers are more than usual. Such a smooth entrance to the diet will allow you to feel good during the entire time of low-calorie diet. To get out of the diet you need the same way: to the already familiar diet, first add lean meat, then - the black bread, and so gradually, in 3-5 days, return to the diet a variety of foods.

Kefir and Cucumber Diet: Feedbacks

Reviews of such a diet is always positive. If, of course, the diet was strictly observed. The fact is that not to lose weight on such a diet is simply impossible, because it is low-calorie and causes the body to actively spend the fat reserves that have been accumulated earlier.

For 3-5 days you can lose from 2 to 5 kg, depending on how much excess weight was at the time the diet began.