Peon nutrition in autumn

To ensure that the peony bush is healthy and pleases the eye not only with lush green foliage, but also with an abundance of flowering buds, the soil needs to maintain the necessary level of nutrients and trace elements. It's no secret that the formation of each new bud requires a lot of strength from the bush, it is rather difficult to fill it without additional feeding. In addition, the weakened bush without additional stimulation often does not have time to make the necessary amount of stocks, badly hibernates and gradually degenerates. That is why the pion feeding is so important, especially the feeding of peonies in the fall after flowering, which gives the bush the opportunity to store strength for the winter and serves as a base for full-fledged development and flowering next year.

Addition of peonies after flowering

As is known, during one season peonies should be fed at least three times: immediately after the appearance of the first shoots from the ground, during budding and after flowering. And each of these feeding is very important in the life of peonies and you should not neglect any of them. There is an opinion that the first two years of life are not needed for properly planted, that is, got a fertilizer complex when planting, a peony bush. In fact, the root system of the young bush is not able to obtain the necessary nutrients from the planting pit, so it is still necessary to feed the peonies from the first year after planting. Autumnal feeding of pions should necessarily include a sufficient amount of potassium and phosphorus. Good results are obtained by fertilizing pions with special autumn complex fertilizers, such as "Kemira-autumn" or "Kemira-universal". In addition to fertilizing these fertilizers, the complex of measures for peon care in the autumn should include mandatory mulching, which should be followed after trimming ground part of peonies. For mulch, you can use peat mixed with bone meal, compost or sawdust, pouring a layer of at least 15 cm thick.

Feeding peonies in autumn bread

Speaking about the autumn feeding of peonies, it is especially necessary to allocate top-dressing of pions with rye bread. This absolutely simple and budgetary way gives good results, allowing you to get strong and lushly flowering peonies. To prepare the fertilizer, you need to take a loaf of rye bread and soak it in water for 12 hours, and then dissolve the resulting mixture in one bucket of water. Bread feeding should be carefully poured peonies at a rate of 1 liter per each bush.