Dough for the kurik

Kornik - a popular Russian dish, which can cook for a festive dinner, almost all the housewives. This cake is considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being in any family. There are many different recipe recipes for the curry, which have their own specific features, but there are still common rules that need to be followed when preparing this terrific cake.

Yeast dough for the tortilla



Now tell you how to make a dough for a kurik. Take a small saucepan, put it in butter, put on a weak fire and melt. After that, we remove the dishes from the plate, cool them and let the oil freeze again.

Without wasting time, in a separate bowl, pour kefir, break the egg and lightly beat the mixer at a low speed to splendor. Then add a tiny bit of soda, a pinch of salt and a little yeast. If you use dry yeast, then before cooking, soak them in pre-100 ml of warm water for about 7 minutes.

After that, pour the kefir mixture into the cooled oil, mix everything thoroughly and gradually start pouring the previously sieved flour. We knead a homogeneous soft dough without lumps, put it into a bowl, close it with a kitchen tape and put it for one hour in a warm place, so that it will come. After this time, the dough for the curry is ready for further preparation of the pie.

Recipe for an unbroken dough for a tortilla



So, take the scoop, spread the butter in it and melt it on a weak fire, periodically stirring. Then add cream to it, put sour cream, break the egg, pour sugar, salt and mix well. Now add gradually sifted flour mixed with soda and knead a homogeneous consistency of dough without lumps, which is immediately used to bake a pie.

Dough for kurik on sour cream



We sift the flour beforehand and mix it with a teaspoon of baking powder. Now take the eggs, carefully separate the yolks and add salt, sugar and mix well. Then lay out the softened margarine, sour cream and again mix everything thoroughly. Gradually pour in flour, knead the dough and remove it for 20 minutes in the fridge. We divide the cooled mass into two parts in the proportion 1: 2 and from the larger roll out the cake. We put it into a baking dish, making the sides and forming an even basket. The rest of the shortcake will perform a lid for our kurikika.

Dough for kurik in mayonnaise



We offer one more option, how to make a dough for a kurik. Take the saucepan and melt margarine in it on the smallest fire, not allowing it to boil. Then let the mixture cool down a little and add mayonnaise, kefir, eggs, salt, soda and sugar. Mix the mixed ingredients well with a mixer and gradually begin to fill the sifted flour.

After that, knead a homogeneous, soft, non-sticky dough, wrap it in a food film and remove it for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator.