Vitiligo in children

Vitiligo (from Latin vitiligo - lichen, rash, cutaneous disease) is called the absence of pigmentation in some parts of the skin. It is noted that the incidence of vitiligo is lower in children than in adults. According to statistics, vitiligo affects the majority of girls. For a long time it was thought that it is impossible to cure it, however modern medical achievements disprove this point of view. So how to cure vitiligo?

The causes and symptoms of vitiligo in children

In general, vitiligo is manifested by oval or round spots of different sizes. "Geography" of their location is diverse - back, hands, face, neck, scalp. The spots differ from the underlying skin tone with a lighter shade. Over time, they increase in size.

The appearance of vitiligo in children is associated with the impact of various factors:

Vitiligo in children: treatment

If you find spots on the skin of a child, you should contact a skin specialist - dermatologist. For successful treatment it is important to determine the cause of the appearance of vitiligo. If necessary, you will need to pass several tests (a general analysis of blood and urine, feces for the presence of parasites, etc.). Perhaps the disease is a manifestation of the pathology of internal organs.

The child will be prescribed medications - photosensitizers, for example, Meladinin, Beroksan, Psoralen. The doctor will prescribe therapeutic procedures in the form of irradiation with ultraviolet light of affected skin areas, pre-treated with special solutions.

No less effective is the passage of the massage with the use of nitrogen in 10-15 sessions.

Among other things, vitiligo will be administered to vitiligo for improvement of metabolic processes, in particular, A, E, C, P, as well as various immunostimulants.

Creams and ointments from vitiligo are an important component of local exposure to blemishes. These funds are applied locally every day. The choice among them is quite wide - Vilom, Protopik, Melanin ointment, Vitasan and others.

Treatment of vitiligo in children with folk remedies

Since some drugs and procedures are prohibited for children under the age of 5, you can turn to traditional medicine.

In one of the most famous recipes from vitiligo, St. John's wort is used. To prepare the infusion from it, 1 teaspoon of dry grass is poured 200 g of hot water and infused for half an hour. This infusion is taken 3 times a day after eating 1 tablespoon.

From St. John's wort, it is possible to prepare ointment from vitiligo. 1 tablespoon dried ground grass pour 10 tablespoons of olive oil. The mass is heated for half an hour in a water bath. Ready ointment is passed through cheesecloth.

You can make a decoction of powdered seeds of milk thistle, mustard, alfalfa and buckwheat. 2 tablespoons of powder pour a half-liter of water and boil over low heat until half the volume of liquid evaporates. The filtered broth should be given to the child 5-6 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Among other things, parents should pay proper attention to nutrition with vitiligo. In the daily diet of the child must be present dishes with buckwheat, carrots, tomatoes, persimmons, bell peppers, as these products contribute to the production of melatonin.