Beetroot Weight Loss - recipes

Each of us knows that beets are one of the most common products. We add it to borsch, salad "Vinaigrette" , etc.

There are also many recipes for beet dishes for weight loss. They are simple enough and therefore available to anyone who wants to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. For someone this is a real find and, in fact, weight loss with the help of beet is quite real.

The recipe for yogurt with beet for weight loss

Considering that both these products are low-calorie (beet - 42 kcal, kefir - 40 kcal per 100 grams), they are great for a diet. To a few days to lose about 2-3 kg, you can eat grated raw, baked, stewed on water or boiled beets. However, as practice showed, the most effective is a slimming cocktail made of yogurt and beet, the recipe of which is very simple.



We boil the root crop, peel it from the peel and grind it in a blender until it is mashed. In one bowl we mix beets with kefir. To make the mixture look like mousse, you can blend it again with a blender. Then add the finely chopped greens to taste. Drink a cocktail 5-6 times a day, for 3 days, alternating with the use of mineral water .

Morse beetroot for weight loss



The washed root is peeled and peeled on a shallow grater. With hands or with gauze, squeeze the juice. The remains of beets are poured with warm water and cook for about 20-25 minutes. Then we pour in the juice squeezed out earlier, add sugar and lemon juice. After boiling, remove the drink from the plate and cool it. You can consume Morse for a week several times a day for 100 g.