Blueberries in own juice

Blueberries are the best preparation for the winter, especially if you or your family members often suffer from colds in the cold. A natural vitamin set of blueberry juice will more than replace any purchased multivitamin complexes. Among other things, blueberries are not only useful, but also incredibly tasty. A couple of spoonfuls of bilberry billet will come at the right time for a cup of evening tea.

The recipe for blueberries in its own juice

The simplest and basic recipe for bilberry bilberries in your own juice does not require you to have a gram of sugar. Cooking with this recipe is very simple, and the result is guaranteed to pleasantly surprise.

Moreover, this method allows you to maximize the benefits of blueberry berries. The only condition will be the use of a whole, healthy and not rotten blueberries.

So, we begin by rinsing and carefully drying all the available berries. Then proceed to cooking. If you are going to procure a large amount of blueberries in your own juice for the winter, then wash and dry the cans for canning. For a one-off preparation, a small clean jar will suffice, and the rest of the berries should be cooked in a saucepan.

If you cook in jars, then place them in a water bath, put the pan on the fire. Sprinkle the berries in a container, but not all at once, as we will pour fresh blueberries as the juice is extracted from the one that is already being heat treated. After the first batch of berries has settled, sprinkle new ones and repeat all over again until the jars are filled or the berry ends. After that, it remains only to roll the jars with sterile lids, leave them for storage and use as needed.

Blueberries in their own juice for the winter

The blueberry preparation scheme for this method is similar to the previous one, but this time during the boiling of the berries we add sugar and at the same time will sterilize the lids.

Banks are thoroughly washed, dried and put on a water bath. Berries are also mine and dried. Sprinkle the berries on the banks in the bath, and on top of each put about a tablespoon of sugar. Cover the jars with lids, but do not roll, and leave the bilberries cooked until it settles and is covered by its own juice. Next, pour fresh berries, as we did in the previous recipe, and again cover with a lid. After the jar is filled with juice, roll up the lids and leave the blueberries in a cool place for storage.

Harvesting blueberries in their own juice

It is possible to prepare blueberries in a more conventional and very obvious way: thanks to preliminary purification. So, we put the berries, washed, dried and peeled from the fruit stalks, into a wooden barrel, jar or enameled basin, in a word, any dishes that will not react with acid from berry juice. We take a pestle or press for potatoes and start kneading blueberries in puree. For a more even purification, sugar can be added to the berry, it will serve as an abrasive. So, pouring fresh berries to the already crushed, and gradually stretching them, we get the full capacity of blueberries in their own juice. It remains to sterilize the mixture. To do this, put a container of blueberries on fire with a culinary thermometer, warm the berries to 90 ° C. While the berries reach the required temperature, we put the jars sterilized. This can be done both in pairs, and in the oven or microwave (do not forget about the cover!). Pour the cooked blueberries in their own juice on sterile containers and roll them up with lids.